June 12, 2020

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 Program details

Category: HYIP.
Since: March 02, 2015.
Minimum deposit: $5
Maximum deposit: $1500
Minimum withdrawal: $1.00
Maximum time for withdrawal: 10 hours
Referral bonus: 1 level - 7%
2 level - 2%
3 level - 1%
Languages: English, Russian.
DDoS Protection from: GENIUSGUARD.
Dedicated IP:
Last payout: 03/10/2015 09:41
Lifetime: 10 days.
Closed: March 11, 2015.
Payout Statistics

Monitored: 8 days.
Payouts: 5% daily and principal back.
Money system: PerfectMoney, Payeer.
SSL: is available.

Investment (listing): $50.00
Profit: $16.00
Payout ratio:
32 %
Link: https://filko.cc/ .
Payments are made to your Filko.cc account. Type of the script: Licensed H-Scripts.
Perfect Money account: U7289960.
Withdrawal fee is 5%.

   Filko.cc - profitable investments guaranteed Money should work for its owner, not lay on a shelf losing its value! We understand that as well as you. That is why we have created a platform where everyone can easily and, more importantly, reliably increase their funds.With our help your savings will bring you a stable income, let you broaden your investment activities, start a new business and, possibly, even multiple ones. Filko company offers to make a profitable in all respects investment of available funds, guaranteeing to everyone high returns and absolute transparency of transactions! Business with Filko.cc _ safe, convenient, and profitable While you are failing to find where to invest money, owners of hundreds of potentially profitable investment platforms in the same way are wasting time and energy on finding investors. The reason for that is an information vacuum and excess caution. In such a business an aspect of trust is highly important: a rationally thinking businessman will not risk to engage in a contract without additional warranties. The situation changes dramatically if the investment is controlled by an earnest experienced company. That is what we are offering: Filko.cc will become the legal and financial buffer for your investment! At your service: investment platform, profitability of which has been confirmed by independent experts; help of a team of experienced specialists in investment, law, economics, and finance; guarantees of high and fast returns on investment. Your money will bring you more income! The only thing for you to do is to make one right decision to make your deposits work according to well-planned marketing plan. You may become a member of a profitable business today. Check out the information, available on our website, about our investment platform and its development prospects during the entire lifecycle of the project and then make your decision!
Initial value
of PM account

U7289960 (Filko Company)
Account type: Verified,
 1 Trust Score point(s)
Information about
SSL Certificate

Issuer: COMODO RSA Domain Validation Secure Server CA
Validity: 24/Feb/2015 - 25/Feb/2016
DNS resolves filko.cc to
Serial Number: 00BF4B38BCD37E919327DF2D1E779D176E

Starting at 5% per day
Hourly charge of profit

Domain Name: FILKO.CC
Registry Domain ID: 111443750_DOMAIN_CC-VRSN

   Updated Date: 2015-02-21T17:00:36Z
   Creation Date: 2015-02-21T15:04:10Z
   Registry Expiry Date: 2016-02-21T15:04:10Z

Registrar: ENOM, INC.
Registrar IANA ID: 48



IP Address
IP Location 	United States - California -
		 Walnut - Genius Guard
ASN 		United States AS46573
		 Global Frag Networks
		 (registered May 17, 2013)

   DISCLAIMER: We do not promote any programs. The information is based on personal experience and statistics, we do not guarantee its accuracy. All HYIPs investments presuppose high risks. Past Performance of any of programs is no guarantee for the same or similar future performance. Do not spend what you cannot afford to lose.

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