June 12, 2020

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 Program details

Category: HYIP.
Since: May 09, 2017.
Minimum deposit: $10
Maximum deposit: $100000
Referral bonus: 1%-3%
Languages: English.
Last payout: 06/10/2017 02:10
Lifetime: 34 days.
Closed: June 11, 2017.
Payout Statistics

Monitored: 34 days.
Payouts: 1.05% - 3% daily for 145 trading days, 107% - 130% after 1 day, 140% - 220% after 3 days, 250% - 420% after 5 days.
Money system: PerfectMoney, Bitcoin, Payeer.
SSL: is available.

Investment (listing): $100.00
Profit: $22.00
Payout ratio:
22 %
Link: https://softbiton.net/ .
The owner of the program - same, as at the programs: Payer24, HourlyBit, Resource 5, BitMining, OilFunds Ltd, Cali Trade, HourBitime, Cali Trade.
Lifetime of the programs of this owner: minimal - 1 days, maximal - 63 days, average - 15 days.
Payout ratio of the programs of this owner: minimal - 0%, maximal - 48%, average - 16%.
Probability of the profit, proceeding from statistics of the programs of this owner: 0%.
Payments are made to your Softbiton account. Type of the script: Not licensed GoldCoders.
Perfect Money account: U14062715.

   Softbiton was started in the Panama by a team of experienced traders in the cryptocurrency market. Softbiton is not a member, associate or subdivision of any other organization, so it is free to make totally independent decisions. Our team of full-time financial experts ensures effective and quick analysing of the current financial situation. The objective of our investment fund is to ensure regular gains to private investors with reasonable risk levels through reinvestment of gathered funds into various types of assets.
The statistical table
May 098301829
May 111,61031,607
May 142,085202,065
May 162,286282,258
May 192,876592,817
May 213,0161842,832
May 243,4133163,097
May 263,6134753,138
May 296,3746825,692
May 316,3747055,669
June 0324,8332,31822,515
June 0525,9853,44622,538
June 0826,9164,56622,350
June 1031,7624,59227,171
June 1237,9434,59233,352
The statistical diagram
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
1 Day - May 09, 2017
15 Day - June 12, 2017
- Total Investings(I)
- Total Withdrawals(W)
- Total Profits(P=I-W)
Initial value
of PM account

U14062715 (Softbiton)
Account type: Verified,
 4.6 Trust Score point(s)
Information about
SSL Certificate

Issuer: Let's Encrypt Authority X3
Validity: 08/May/2017 - 06/Aug/2017
softbiton.net resolves to
Serial Number: 03834611B01AEC4ED52697412696A6B9F9D3

Principal is included in profit

1.05%-3.0% Daily For 145 Business Days
Plan 1 	$10.00 - $300.00 	1.05
Plan 2 	$301.00 - $1000.00 	2.50
Plan 3 	$1001.00 - $10000.00 	3.00

107%-130% After 1 Day
Plan 1 	$120.00 - $300.00 	107.00
Plan 2 	$301.00 - $1000.00 	115.00
Plan 3 	$1001.00 - $1500.00 	123.00
Plan 4 	$1501.00 - $100000.00 	130.00

140%-220% After 3 Days
Plan 1 	$130.00 - $500.00 	140.00
Plan 2 	$501.00 - $1000.00 	168.00
Plan 3 	$1001.00 - $1500.00 	185.00
Plan 4 	$1501.00 - $2500.00 	200.00
Plan 5 	$2501.00 - $100000.00 	220.00

250%-420% After 5 Days
Plan 1 	$140.00 - $500.00 	250.00
Plan 2 	$501.00 - $1000.00 	290.00
Plan 3 	$1001.00 - $1500.00 	330.00
Plan 4 	$1501.00 - $2000.00 	390.00
Plan 5 	$2001.00 - $100000.00 	420.00

500%-700% After 7 Days
Plan 1 	$150.00 - $500.00 	500.00
Plan 2 	$501.00 - $1000.00 	575.00
Plan 3 	$1001.00 - $1500.00 	600.00
Plan 4 	$1501.00 - $2000.00 	677.00
Plan 5 	$2001.00 - $100000.00 	700.00

VIP Plan : 1000%-1500% After 5 Days
Plan 1 	$200.00 - $999.00 	1000.00
Plan 2 	$1000.00 - $1500.00 	1250.00
Plan 3 	$1501.00 - $100000.00 	1500.00

Registry Domain ID: 2121799221_DOMAIN_NET-VRSN

   Updated Date: 08-may-2017
   Creation Date: 08-may-2017
   Expiration Date: 08-may-2018

Registrar: NetEarth One, Inc.
Registrar IANA ID: 1005

Registrant Name: Niko hammam
Registrant Organization: 
Registrant Street: 1067 Santa Monica Boulevard,
		    Los Angeles   
Registrant City: L.A
Registrant State/Province: CALIFORNIA
Registrant Postal Code: 453978
Registrant Country: US
Registrant Phone: +1.4477439021
Registrant Email: magicstance93@gmail.com

Name Server: ns10.hawkhost.com
Name Server: ns9.hawkhost.com

IP Address - 865 other sites
		 hosted on this server 	
IP Location 	United States - Missouri -
		 Saint Louis - Hawk Host Inc.
ASN 		United States AS30496 COLO4 -
		 Colo4, LLC, US
		 (registered Oct 21, 2003)

   DISCLAIMER: We do not promote any programs. The information is based on personal experience and statistics, we do not guarantee its accuracy. All HYIPs investments presuppose high risks. Past Performance of any of programs is no guarantee for the same or similar future performance. Do not spend what you cannot afford to lose.

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