Program details |
Wonderfulhyip Round 2 wonderfulhyip.com
Status: CLOSE. |
Category: HYIP. Since: March 28, 2006. Minimum deposit: $0.01 Maximum deposit: n/a Referral bonus: 10%-15%
Lifetime: 5 days.
Closed: April 01, 2006.
Payout Statistics
Monitored: 7 days. Payouts: 120% - 125% after 1 day, 150% - 160% after 2 days, 450% - 600% after 7 days. Money system: E-gold. |
Investment (listing): $30.00
Profit: $48.00
Link: http://wonderfulhyip.com/ . |
Lifetime of the similar programs: minimal - 1 days, maximal - 535 days, average - 19 days. |
Payout ratio of the similar programs: minimal - 0%, maximal - 1,223%, average - 76%. |
Probability of the profit, proceeding from statistics of the similar programs: 24%. |
Payments are made to your Wonderfulhyip Round 2 account. |
Type of the script: GoldCoders. |
E-gold accounts: 3023207, 3026833.
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The statistical table
Day | Total Investings | Total Withdrawals | Total Profits |
March 28 | 367 | 0 | 367 |
March 29 | 12,653 | 1,498 | 11,155 |
March 30 | 18,343 | 7,605 | 10,738 |
April 01 | 21,280 | 16,933 | 4,347 |
| |
22000 |
19800 |
17600 |
15400 |
13200 |
11000 |
8800 |
6600 |
4400 |
2200 |
0 |
Day |
| 1 Day - March 28, 2006 4 Day - April 01, 2006 |
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DISCLAIMER: We do not promote any programs. The information is based on personal experience and statistics, we do not guarantee its accuracy. All HYIPs investments presuppose high risks. Past Performance of any of programs is no guarantee for the same or similar future performance. Do not spend what you cannot afford to lose. |
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