February 08, 2022

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 Program details

   N E W
Category: HYIP.
Since: January 24, 2022.
Minimum deposit: $10
Maximum deposit: $99999
Referral bonus: 1%-5%
Languages: English.
Last payout: 01/30/2022 15:16
Lifetime: 7 days.
Closed: January 30, 2022.
Payout Statistics

Monitored: 12 days.
Payouts: 0.5% daily for 300 trading days and principal back, 0.55% daily for 350 trading days and principal back, 0.65% daily for 400 trading days and principal back.
Money system: PerfectMoney, Bitcoin.
SSL: is available.

Investment (listing): $50.00
Profit: $0.50
Payout ratio:
1 %
Link: https://fxshare24.com/ .
Lifetime of the similar programs: minimal - 1 days, maximal - 1,518 days, average - 182 days.
Payout ratio of the similar programs: minimal - 0%, maximal - 1,480%, average - 95%.
Probability of the profit, proceeding from statistics of the similar programs: 26%.
Payments are made to your FXshare24 account. Type of the script: Not licensed GoldCoders.
Perfect Money account: U8782740.
Withdrawal fee is 2%.

   Fxshare24 fast growing cryptocurrency & forex trading company in the world market. We have officially started our business by registering our business at Company House. We are a team of crypto experts with diverse backgrounds. We have consolidated the most popular sectors into a single platform that will serve as an entry point into the world of cryptocurrency and digital money trading, both novice and experienced miners. You no longer need to waste time to start earning.
Initial value
of PM account

U8782740 (fxshare)
Account type: Verified,
 43.6 Trust Score point(s)
Information about
SSL Certificate

Issuer: cPanel, Inc. Certification Authority
Validity: 11/27/2021 - 02/26/2022
DNS resolves fxshare24.com to
Serial Number: 00F3E03487AFFFCA44A5BDCA4FF29DC08C

300 Days Plan
Principal return after 300 days
Plan 1 	10.00 - 999.00 		0.50%

350 Days Plan
Principal return after 350 days
Plan 1 	1000.00 - 9999.00 	0.55%

400 Days Plan
Principal return after 400 days
Plan 1 	10000.00 - 99999.00 	0.65%

Domain name: fxshare24.com
Registry Domain ID: 2615358719_DOMAIN_COM-VRSN

   Updated Date: 2021-05-27T17:40:37Z
   Creation Date: 2021-05-27T17:28:31Z
   Registry Expiry Date: 2022-05-27T17:28:31Z

Registrar IANA ID: 1068


Name Server: ns1.dns-globally.com
Name Server: ns2.dns-globally.com
Name Server: ns3.dns-globally.com
Name Server: ns4.dns-globally.com
Name Server: ns5.dns-globally.com
Name Server: ns6.dns-globally.com
Name Server: ns7.dns-globally.com
Name Server: ns8.dns-globally.com
Name Server: ns9.dns-globally.com
Name Server: ns10.dns-globally.com

IP Address - 1 other site
		 is hosted on this server

IP Location 	United States - Nevada -
		 Las Vegas - Sharktech
ASN 		United States AS46844 ST-BGP,
		 US (registered Mar 31, 2009)

   DISCLAIMER: We do not promote any programs. The information is based on personal experience and statistics, we do not guarantee its accuracy. All HYIPs investments presuppose high risks. Past Performance of any of programs is no guarantee for the same or similar future performance. Do not spend what you cannot afford to lose.

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