July 14, 2023

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 Program details

Bit Staking Ltd
Category: HYIP.
Since: June 07, 2023.
Minimum deposit: $25
Maximum deposit: $150000
Referral bonus: 1 level - 9%
2 level - 2%
3 level - 1%
Languages: English.
DDoS Protection from: DDOS-GUARD.NET.
Dedicated IP:
Last payout: 07/03/2023 16:57
Lifetime: 29 days.
Closed: July 05, 2023.
Payout Statistics

Monitored: 30 days.
Payouts: 127% after 6 days, 2.5% daily for 60 days and principal back, 3.35% daily for 45 days and principal back, 139% after 9 days.
Money system: Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, Bitcoin Cash, Dogecoin, USDT ERC20, USDT TRC20, Tron, ePayCore.
SSL: is available.

Investment (listing): $100.00
Profit: $62.50
Payout ratio:
62.5 %
Link: https://bitstaking.io/ .
Lifetime of the similar programs: minimal - 1 days, maximal - 638 days, average - 84 days.
Payout ratio of the similar programs: minimal - 0%, maximal - 1,251%, average - 99%.
Probability of the profit, proceeding from statistics of the similar programs: 29%.
Payments are made to your Bit Staking Ltd account. Type of the script: Licensed GoldCoders.

   Bit Staking Ltd is a cryptocurrency-based investment company. It is a growing platform for investors who trust in getting profits from their investments. Bit Staking introduces the AI-based trading opportunity to all with a profit-sharing plan. Each and every client invested in Bit Staking can have a profit share equally. For maximum profit generation from the market, Bit Staking is the premium place.
Information about
SSL Certificate

Issuer: Let's Encrypt R3
Validity: 05/31/2023 - 08/29/2023
DNS resolves bitstaking.io to
Serial Number: 04B843FF3E79E76AD601F9669FD3389C82E1

127% After 6 days
Principal is included in profit
2,500$ - 7,500$

2.5% daily for 60 days
Principal return after 60 days
25$ - 150,000$

3.35% Daily for 45 Days
Principal return after 45 days
2,000$ - 75,000$

139% After 9 days
Principal is included in profit
2,000$ - 5,000$

187% After 14 days
Principal is included in profit
1,500$ - 4,500$

233% After 21 days
Principal is included in profit
1,000$ - 2,500$

Domain Name: bitstaking.io
Registry Domain ID:

Updated Date: 2022-12-12T16:00:47Z
Creation Date: 2022-10-05T21:20:03Z
Registry Expiry Date: 2024-10-05T21:20:03Z

Registrar: 1API GmbH
Registrar IANA ID: 1387

Name Server: ns1.ddos-guard.net
Name Server: ns2.ddos-guard.net
Name Server: ns3.ddos-guard.net
Name Server: ns4.ddos-guard.net
Name Server: ns5.ddos-guard.net

IP Address

IP Location 	Ecuador - Guayas -
		 Guayaquil -
		 Ddos-guard Ecuador
ASN 		Ecuador AS262254 DDOS-GUARD
		 CORP., BZ
		 (registered Dec 05, 2012)

   DISCLAIMER: We do not promote any programs. The information is based on personal experience and statistics, we do not guarantee its accuracy. All HYIPs investments presuppose high risks. Past Performance of any of programs is no guarantee for the same or similar future performance. Do not spend what you cannot afford to lose.

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