| A Withdrawal Fee of 2.5% or minimum $2.50 is applied to all Withdrawals. Min Withdraw - 10$.
The FeederFund is a private organisation. Membership is only available by referral from an existing Member.
The FeederFund provides private information services and also administers various private account management facilities for its Members.
Membership of the FeederFund is free but dependent on certain terms and conditions. By registering as a Member of the FeederFund, you are declaring your Agreement to all the following terms and conditions:
The Applicant, (I) shall not disclose the terms, conditions, or particulars of FeederFund Membership to any person.
I declare I have not being solicited by the FeederFund to become a FeederFund Member.
I declare that my Membership of the FeederFund is not in any official capacity as a member, agent, informant, or employee of any kind of investigative, law enforcement, media, news, postal
service or other government agencies within any country, nor am I acting as proxy to any person or entity serving as a member, agent, informant, or employee of any kind of investigative, law enforcement, media, news, postal service or other government agencies within any country. Should I be required to act in an official capicity in the future, I will immediately notify the FeederFund Administration and cancel my Membership.
I agree to hold harmless and free from any liability, the Proprietors, Directors, Programmers and Staff of the FeederFund, from any damages or losses, whatsoever and howsoever arising.
I understand that I am allowed a single FeederFund Membership. The FeederFund has the right to change the Referrer of a Member if it believes, at its sole descretion, that these terms have
been infringed.
I understand and agree that the FeederFund reserve the right to contact me on a monthly basis via email regarding Fund news and information concerning my Accounts.
In regards to any investment I may make as a result of information received from the FeederFund, I agree that:
a. The investment is made of my own free will and I take full responsibility for the decision.
b. I shall only use risk capital for any such investment.
c. I understand that past performance is no guarantee for future performance.
d. I understand the value of investments may fall as well as rise.
I declare that I shall not circumvent the FeederFund with respect to any and all business arrangements, fee agreements, referring status, or business contacts which have been entered into and/or established by FeederFund, prior to my business with FeederFund and prior to my receiving proprietary and confidential information from FeederFund. | |