June 12, 2020

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 Program details

Donix Investments
Category: HYIP.
Since: April 23, 2006.
Minimum deposit: 10 EURO
Maximum deposit: 100000 EURO
Referral bonus: n/a
Lifetime: 45 days.
Closed: June 06, 2006.
Payout Statistics

Monitored: 41 days.
Payouts: 0.9% - 2.4% daily.
Money system: E-gold.

Investment (listing): $25.00
Profit: $6.65
Payout ratio:
26.6 %
Link: http://www.donix.biz/ .
Lifetime of the similar programs: minimal - 4 days, maximal - 1,057 days, average - 110 days.
Payout ratio of the similar programs: minimal - 0%, maximal - 657%, average - 97%.
Probability of the profit, proceeding from statistics of the similar programs: 33%.
Payments are made to your Donix Investments account. Type of the script: non-standard.
E-gold account: 3119271.

Domain Name:                                 DONIX.BIZ

Registrant Name:                             Emmel Oram
Registrant Organization:                     donix
Registrant Address1:                         45 west
Registrant City:                             Schenectady
Registrant Postal Code:                      12345
Registrant Country:                          United States
Registrant Country Code:                     US
Registrant Phone Number:                     +1.1445413214
Registrant Email:                            nicgrigore31243@yahoo.com

Name Server:                                 DNS5.NAME-SERVICES.COM
Name Server:                                 DNS4.NAME-SERVICES.COM
Name Server:                                 DNS3.NAME-SERVICES.COM
Name Server:                                 DNS2.NAME-SERVICES.COM
Name Server:                                 DNS1.NAME-SERVICES.COM

Created by Registrar:                        ENOM, INC.

Domain Registration Date:                    Sun Apr 23 21:10:31 GMT 2006
Domain Expiration Date:                      Sun Apr 22 23:59:59 GMT 2007

   DISCLAIMER: We do not promote any programs. The information is based on personal experience and statistics, we do not guarantee its accuracy. All HYIPs investments presuppose high risks. Past Performance of any of programs is no guarantee for the same or similar future performance. Do not spend what you cannot afford to lose.

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