October 22, 2024

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  Welcome to the HYIPs rating website!

  We have come up with the most honest HYIP Rating website developed specially for you!

  Why choose us?

  1) We have no paid advertising whatsoever. All the programs we present have absolutely equal chances. No fees are charged for the highest rate on our web site.
  2) We have an independent HYIPs monitoring system that sums the rating of each program in conformity with 2 factors and ascribes a certain rank.
   • Payout ratio - specifies the ratio of the profit gained from a program to the amount invested into it.
   • Lifetime - HYIP life period, counted since the opening date. Some statistics on this parameter you can find here - Statistics of the lifetime and payout ratio of the HYIPs.
  3) The statistical analyses of a financial condition of the HYIPs are made, there is a page with statistics under all HYIPs.
  4) Also you will find a lot of other useful information describing the programs.

  All of the above proves that our program is a perfect solution for those who would like to get detailed information on Investment Programs and succeed in this complicated deal.

  You always can bring in the offers for improvement of a site.

  For search of the active program (which one still are on monitoring) use Ctrl+F on page All projects, for search of the closed and not paying programs use Ctrl+F on page Black List (by clicking on the retrieved link, You will find the detail information on the HYIP).

   DISCLAIMER: We do not promote any programs. The information is based on personal experience and statistics, we do not guarantee its accuracy. All HYIPs investments presuppose high risks. Past Performance of any of programs is no guarantee for the same or similar future performance. Do not spend what you cannot afford to lose.

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