March 25, 2025

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Statistics of the close and not paying programs
NamePayoutsType of the scriptLifetimePayout
  FX Area 110% - 130% after 1 day,
121% - 161% after 2 days
1 14 days 110 %
  FX Bank Ltd 103% - 110% after 1 day,
110% - 131% after 3 days,
131% - 195% after 7 days,
175% - 420% after 15 days
1 24 days 66 %
  FX Bond 12% daily for 30 trading days,
43% daily for 3 trading days,
39% daily for 12 trading days
0 32 days 228 %
  FX Bus 20% - 26% daily for 6 days,
130% - 175% after 6 days
1 11 days 90 %
  FX Business Solutions 12% - 52% daily for 150 trading days 0 27 days 192 %
  FX Capital Club 80% - 160% weekly for 10 weeks 1 23 days 160 %
  FX Co Plus 2% - 3% daily for 150 trading days 1 43 days 26 %
  FX Credit Fund 103% - 130% after 1 day,
110% - 210% after 3 days,
125% - 1200% after 8 days,
2000% - 4000% after 15 days,
4000% - 6000% after 30 days
1 23 days 63 %
  FX Diamonds Corp. 22% - 72% daily for 200 trading days 0 9 days 132 %
  FX Dividend 3% - 5% daily for 40 trading days 0 55 days 18 %
  FX Dynamics Limited 4.8% - 5.2% daily for 30 days 0 17 days 14 %
  FX Earn 6.25% - 8% daily for 20 trading days 0 265 days 188 %
  FX Earning 105% - 120% after 1 day,
116% - 175% after 3 days,
141% - 360% after 7 days,
208% - 1550% after 15 days
1 5 days 10 %
  FX Federal 105% - 125% after 1 day,
111.5% - 160% after 2 days,
126% - 259% after 4 days,
201% - 1070% after 10 days,
995% - 8980% after 30 days
1 6 days 25 %
  FX Financing 105% - 115% after 1 day,
116% - 155% after 3 days,
163% - 405% after 10 days,
265% - 1650% after 20 days
1 8 days 15 %
  FX Futures 103% - 120% after 1 day,
120% - 210% after 5 days,
143% - 331% after 10 days,
178% - 650% after 15 days,
37% - 50% daily for 3 days
1 13 days 33 %
  FX Globe Inc. 3% - 5% daily for 300 trading days 0 178 days 366 %
  FX Golden Union 14% daily for 100 trading days 0 20 days 168 %
  FX Inco, Ltd 1.7% - 2.4% daily for 20 days 1 295 days 473 %
  FX Industry Masters 15% - 25% daily for 100 trading days 0 118 days 1095 %
  FX Investment Expert 105% - 125% after 1 day,
55% - 75% daily for 2 days,
140% - 300% after 5 days,
200% - 520% after 10 days,
600% - 1200% after 30 days
1 8 days 30 %
  FX Line Corp. 30% - 60% daily for 20 trading days 0 18 days 330 %
  FX Majestic 16.5% - 28% daily for 7 days,
120% - 206% after 7 days
1 80 days 229 %
  FX Market Leader 12% - 72% daily for 50 trading days 0 59 days 468 %
  FX Master 105% - 120% after 1 day,
128% - 225% after 5 days,
160% - 550% after 10 days,
350% - 1255% after 20 days
1 8 days 20 %
  FX Money Management 27% - 30% daily for 4 days 1 51 days 98 %
  FX 135% - 160% after 1 day,
160% - 200% after 2 days
1 1 days 0 %
  FX Pro 27% - 38% daily for 4 trading days 0 784 days 294.2 %
  FX Profit Club 5% daily for 100 trading days 0 45 days 150 %
  FX Profit Club 105% - 110% after 1 day,
112% - 122% after 2 days,
124% - 134% after 3 days
0 5 days 0 %
  FX Progress LTD 105% - 122% after 1 day,
128% - 215% after 5 days,
160% - 440% after 10 days,
400% - 1150% after 25 days,
600% - 2000% after 56 days
1 49 days 230 %
  FX Rona 5% - 7% daily for 25 trading days 1 19 days 12 %
  FX Stock Partners 103% - 130% after 1 day,
110% - 200% after 3 days,
117% - 275% after 5 days,
125% - 370% after 7 days
0 7 days 15 %
  FX Trade Center 15% - 65% daily for 100 trading days 0 83 days 780 %
  FX Trade Group Limited 103% - 120% after 1 day,
37% - 55% daily for 3 days,
120% - 230% after 5 days,
160% - 500% after 10 days
1 8 days 19 %
  FX Trading Society 16% - 56% daily for 200 trading days 0 35 days 368 %
  FX Treasure 4% - 6% daily for 30 days,
148% - 258% after 30 days
1 97 days 112 %
  FX Trust Invest Club 35% - 45% daily for 3 days,
135% - 150% after 3 days
1 115 days 175.5 %
  FX Union Corp. 17% - 57% daily for 20 days 0 20 days 187 %
  FX Unlimited 0.4% daily for 150 trading days,
1.3% - 1.8% daily for 130 trading days,
1.9% - 2.2% daily for 90 trading days,
6% - 14% weekly for 22 weeks
1 109 days 156 %
  FX Vision Corp. 12% - 52% daily for 50 days 0 43 days 300 %
  FX World Investment 105% after 5 days,
115% after 10 days,
125% after 15 days,
2% - 2.2% daily for 50 days,
205% - 215% after 50 days
1 232 days 426.3 %
  FX-9 2.3% - 2.9% daily for 79 days,
179% - 199% after 9 days,
229% - 299% after 50 days
1 132 days 294 %
  FX-Autoprofit 4% daily for 50 trading days,
366% after 50 days,
25% weekly for 10 weeks,
342% after 25 days
0 113 days 224 %
  FX-Commerce 103% after 1 hour,
120% - 130% after 1 day,
145% - 170% after 2 days,
175% - 220% after 3 days,
330% - 550% after 6 days
1 7 days 50 % 4% - 7% daily for 50 trading days,
712% after 50 days,
515% after 25 days,
477% after 15 days
0 143 days 423 %
  FX-Profits 102% after 1 hour,
110% - 120% after 1 day,
125% - 145% after 2 days,
145% - 200% after 3 days,
14.5% - 18% daily for 12 days
1 5 days 40 %
  FX-Tbs 4% - 10% daily for 30 days 1 11 days 8 %
  FX-Vision 43% - 45% daily for 3 days,
143% - 145% after 3 days,
310% - 335% after 7 days
1 5 days 43 %
  FX-Wizards 2.5% - 3% daily for 100 days 1 38 days 50 %
  FXCM Brokerage Group 250% - 1000% after 10 days 0 57 days 600 %
  FXDD Investments Inc 19% - 69% daily for 50 trading days 0 9 days 114 %
  FXDD Premium Corp 17% - 19% daily for 25 trading days 0 16 days 170 %
  FXEN 0.5% - 2% daily for 120 days,
6% - 7% daily for 30 days
1 199 days 45 %
  FXFCO 9% - 16% daily for 15 trading days,
6% - 13% daily for 30 trading days
1 100 days 183 %
  FXGold-Invest 1% - 3% daily 1 107 days 116 %
  FXLeader 2.5% - 4% daily for 50 days,
120% - 180% after 15 days
0 7 days 2 %
  FXM Co 1% - 4% daily for 120 days 1 417 days 128 %
  FXM Profit Club 35% - 65% daily for 10 trading days 0 16 days 250 %
  FXMutual 7% daily 2 36 days 231 % 22.1% - 25% daily for 5 days 0 283 days 146 %
  FXOption 2.2% - 5.5% daily for 50 days 1 204 days 27 %
  FXProfit 102% - 114% after 1 day,
105% - 116% after 2 days,
140% - 155% after 5 days,
195% - 216% after 12 days
1 1 days 0 %
  FXPuzzle 2.1% - 2.5% daily for 4 days 1 19 days 30 %
  FXStrong 2% - 4% daily for 150 days 0 38 days 60 %
  FXTeam Ltd 103% - 125% after 1 day,
125% - 260% after 5 days,
175% - 490% after 10 days,
260% - 820% after 15 days
1 4 days 3 %
  FXshare24 0.5% daily for 300 trading days,
0.55% daily for 350 trading days,
0.65% daily for 400 trading days
1 7 days 1 %
  Fable-HYIP 4.5% - 5% each hour for 24 hours,
110% - 125% after 1 day,
130% - 150% after 2 days,
150% - 170% after 3 days,
200% - 300% after 7 days
1 11 days 611.9 %
  Fabulous-Profit 150% - 200% after 1 day,
260% - 310% after 2 days
1 1 days 0 %
  Face HYIP 104% after 5 seconds,
0.18% - 0.2% secondly for 600 seconds,
1.24% - 1.3% minutely for 90 minutes,
120% - 160% after 1 day
0 6 days 113.3 %
  Face Investments Ltd 10% - 12% daily for 12 days,
230% - 250% after 15 days,
15% daily for 15 days
1 26 days 50 %
  FactualEarn 200% - 300% after 1 day,
30% - 70% daily for 5 days
0 8 days 500 %
  Fair Mining 1% - 3% daily 0 24 days 34 %
  Fairfield Funds 20% daily for 7 days,
160% after 7 days
1 10 days 60 %
  Fairly Bets 13.5% - 18% daily for 10 days,
145% - 190% after 10 days,
30% - 37% daily for 4 days,
132% - 140% after 2 days
1 43 days 307 %
  Faith Deposit 105% - 130% after 1 day,
136% - 600% after 7 days,
280% - 1100% after 15 days,
1800% - 2500% after 30 days
1 5 days 14.9 %
  Faktor Money 5% - 10% daily 1 19 days 66 %
  Falcomax 5% - 7% daily for 30 days,
6% - 7% daily for 40 days
0 18 days 39 %
  Falcon FX Traders 103% - 135% after 1 day,
55% - 90% daily for 2 days,
130% - 300% after 5 days,
180% - 475% after 10 days
0 12 days 33 %
  Famega Investments 0.6% - 1.5% daily for 30 days,
1% - 1.7% daily for 120 days,
1.6% - 2% daily for 240 days
1 33 days 16.8 %
  Family Bank 104% - 110% after 1 day,
130% after 2 days,
114% - 135% after 3 days,
129% - 175% after 6 days,
220% - 450% after 24 days
1 41 days 8 %
  Family Hyip 39% - 48% daily for 3 days,
55% - 63% daily for 2 days
1 2 days 0 %
  Family Savings Bank 0.8% - 8% daily for 30 days 0 179 days 40 %
  FamousBtc 1.08% - 1.45% each hour for 96 hours,
108% - 120% after 1 day,
180% - 300% after 3 days,
5% - 8% each hour for 24 hours
1 217 days 191.4 %
  Fantastic Deposit 1.08% - 1.45% each hour for 96 hours,
3% - 5% each hour for 48 hours,
10% - 15% each hour for 24 hours
1 138 days 79.2 %
  Fantastic ROI 13% each hour for 13 hours,
105% - 125% after 1 day,
116% - 185% after 3 days,
160% - 500% after 10 days,
3300% after 30 days
1 22 days 95 %
  Fantastic-HYIP 150% - 300% after 1 day,
190% - 250% after 2 days
1 9 days 300 %
  Fantastical 5% - 7% daily for 40 trading days 0 32 days 105 %
  Far East Funds 105% - 130% after 1 day,
55% - 75% daily for 2 days,
130% - 330% after 5 days,
170% - 500% after 10 days,
180% - 700% after 20 days
1 73 days 491.3 %
  Fargo Fund 103% - 115% after 1 day,
125% - 175% after 5 days,
135% - 205% after 7 days
0 83 days 240 %
  FarmBox LTD 2% - 2.02% daily for 20 days,
3.5% - 3.51% daily for 35 days,
5% - 5.01% daily for 60 days,
110% - 110.5% after 30 days
1 6 days 3 %
  Fashion-Fund 35% daily for 4 days,
35% daily for 5 days,
35% daily for 6 days
1 4 days 35 %
  Fast Bank Investment 2.15% daily for 60 days 1 10 days 12 %
  Fast Bit Pay 1.04% - 1.28% each hour for 100 hours,
5% - 6% each hour for 50 hours,
20% - 30% each hour for 20 hours
1 186 days 116 %
  Fast Cash Production 110% - 120% after 1 day,
60% - 70% daily for 2 days,
45% - 55% daily for 3 days,
15% daily for 5 days
0 8 days 90 %
  Fast Daily Profits Co. 50% - 110% daily for 4 days 1 4 days 100 %
  Fast Earn 104% - 120% after 1 day,
133% - 300% after 6 days,
155% - 800% after 9 days,
210% - 1400% after 15 days,
450% - 3000% after 25 days
1 16 days 56 %
  Fast Earning 0.04% - 0.08% daily for 5,000 days,
10% - 12% each hour for 11 hours,
140% - 160% after 1 day
1 6 days 10 %
  Fast Gain 4.4% - 4.8% each hour for 24 hours,
150% - 208% after 3 days,
250% - 408% after 7 days
1 12 days 104.1 %
  Fast Gold 160% - 180% after 1 day 1 5 days 180 %
  Fast Mining 239% after 5 days,
378% after 8 days,
2.5% daily for 60 days,
4.5% daily for 45 days
1 75 days 177.5 %
  Fast Pay HYIP 110% - 130% after 1 day,
125% - 165% after 2 days,
135% - 200% after 3 days,
30% - 50% daily for 5 days
1 7 days 60 %
  Fast Payout 180% - 220% after 1 day 1 2 days 0 %
  Fast Percents Hourly 37% - 50% each hour for 3 hours 1 1 days 22 %
  Fast Profit Inc 25% daily for 6 days,
175% after 6 days
0 15 days 125 %
  Fast Withdrawal 107% - 130% after 1 day,
140% - 200% after 5 days,
200% - 500% after 10 days,
250% - 650% after 14 days,
3000% after 30 days
1 33 days 217 %
  Fast-FX 2.4% - 3.1% each hour for 48 hours,
110% - 120% after 1 day
1 1 days 0 %
  Fast-Gains 4.25% - 5% each hour for 24 hours,
103% - 130% after 1 day,
110% - 200% after 3 days
1 10 days 23 %
  Fast-Goldin 110% - 180% after 1 day 1 10 days 80 %
  Fast-Traders 212% after 6 days,
448% after 12 days,
3.2% daily for 80 days,
7.4% daily for 40 days
1 42 days 123 %
  Fast8day 13% - 16% daily for 8 days,
128% - 152% after 8 days
0 56 days 80.8 %
  FastGoldPro 200% - 500% after 1 day,
40% - 70% daily for 5 days,
250% - 400% after 5 days
1 8 days 125 %
  FastHoo 104% - 164% after 1 day,
130% - 750% after 7 days,
160% - 1500% after 13 days
1 95 days 168 %
  FastHourly 4.5% - 5% each hour for 24 hours,
110% - 120% after 1 day,
125% - 145% after 2 days,
45% - 50% daily for 3 days
1 1 days 4.5 %
  FastInvestment 40% daily for 3 days,
130% - 150% after 3 days
1 9 days 80 %
  FastMoneyInc. 20% - 25% daily for 7 days,
120% - 125% after 1 day,
140% - 150% after 2 days,
210% - 230% after 3 days,
450% - 500% after 5 days
1 7 days 120 %
  FastProfitInv 4.35% - 5% each hour for 24 hours,
106% - 125% after 1 day,
125% - 225% after 3 days,
180% - 425% after 7 days
1 9 days 50 %
  FastRMO 104% - 160% after 1 day,
133% - 600% after 7 days,
180% - 2000% after 15 days,
25000% after 80 days
1 132 days 191 % 350% - 400% after 1 day,
850% - 900% after 2 days
1 2 days 0 %
  Faster HYIP 56% - 62% daily for 2 days,
116% - 160% after 2 days,
35% - 38% daily for 4 days,
144% - 155% after 4 days,
220% - 280% after 7 days
1 12 days 157.5 %
  Faster Hours Ltd 18% each hour for 6 hours,
26% each hour for 4 hours,
51% each hour for 2 hours
1 3 days 32 % 2.1% daily for 100 trading days,
977% after 7 days,
1010% after 10 days,
1155% after 15 days
0 210 days 209.3 %
  FavoMarket 105% - 115% after 1 day,
115% - 135% after 2 days,
25% - 27% daily for 5 days,
140% - 150% after 5 days
0 25 days 134 %
  Favorites HYIP2Life 300% - 700% after 1 day,
400% - 650% after 2 days
1 1 days 0 %
  FayGold limited 103% - 125% after 1 day,
110% - 180% after 3 days,
125% - 350% after 7 days,
300% - 1200% after 20 days,
500% - 1700% after 30 days
1 9 days 15 %
  Feat-Hourly 5% - 7% each hour for 24 hours,
0.5% minutely for 1,440 minutes
1 2 days 5 %
  Feddral LTD 15% - 18% daily for 8 days,
70% - 100% weekly for 2 weeks,
25% daily for 5 days
1 23 days 110 %
  Federal Forex 106% - 122% after 1 day,
139% - 225% after 3 days,
352% - 565% after 7 days,
1325% - 2300% after 15 days,
5455% - 6500% after 30 days
1 5 days 24 %
  FederalFX 103% - 125% after 1 day,
110% - 200% after 3 days,
125% - 330% after 7 days,
140% - 500% after 10 days
1 10 days 18 %
  Feeder Fund 2% - 10% monthly 0 1,146 days 50 %
  Felicity-HYIP 3.5% each hour for 48 hours,
80% - 100% daily for 2 days,
130% - 200% after 1 day,
180% - 220% after 2 days
1 2 days 3.5 %
  FeniX Group 8.5% - 9.5% daily for 20 trading days,
4% - 5% daily for 20 trading days
3 48 days 108 %
  FenixTrust 0.8% daily for 90 days,
0.1% - 2.1% daily for 180 days,
0.2% - 2% daily for 140 days,
0.3% - 2.5% daily for 120 days,
0.5% - 2.5% daily for 270 days
0 251 days 170 %
  Fennox Fund 6% daily for 25 trading days,
35% weekly for 5 weeks,
200% after 35 days
0 17 days 60 %
  Fenti Fund 101% - 125% after 1 day,
145% - 195% after 3 days,
175% - 345% after 5 days
0 164 days 153 %
  Ferein Funds 105% - 110% after 1 day,
55% - 60% daily for 2 days,
15% - 20% daily for 10 days,
300% - 320% after 20 days
1 6 days 15 %
  Fermioni 1.1% - 15% daily for 100 days,
150% - 200% after 2 days,
180% - 450% after 3 days
0 257 days 22 %
  Fertison Capital 105% - 110% after 1 day,
150% - 190% after 7 days,
260% - 300% after 14 days,
420% - 470% after 25 days
1 5 days 10 %
  Fiama Corp 4% daily for 35 trading days,
5% daily for 30 trading days,
6% daily for 25 trading days,
8% daily for 15 trading days
1 61 days 44 %
  Fibonacci Forex Trading 1.1% - 5.3% daily for 35 days,
11% - 53% daily for 5 days
1 13 days 2.2 %
  Fideliora Investments Ltd 16% - 18% daily for 7 trading days 3 12 days 12 %
  Fidelity Profit 22% daily for 10 days 0 24 days 110 %
  Fidelity-Invest 120% - 250% after 1 day,
260% - 380% after 2 days,
400% - 500% after 3 days
1 3 days 40 %
  Fifainv 2% - 3% daily for 90 trading days,
7% daily for 40 trading days,
12% daily for 20 trading days,
500% after 30 days
1 36 days 8 %
  Fiji Funds 160% - 200% after 1 day,
230% - 250% after 2 days,
320% - 350% after 3 days
1 2 days 200 % 5% daily 3 10 days 32 %
  FillupFund 120% - 160% after 1 day,
160% - 200% after 2 days,
260% - 300% after 3 days,
400% - 500% after 5 days
1 6 days 30 %
  Fin Adv Ltd 4.5% each hour for 24 hours,
9% - 9.5% each hour for 12 hours,
60% each hour for 2 hours
1 8 days 60 %
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   DISCLAIMER: We do not promote any programs. The information is based on personal experience and statistics, we do not guarantee its accuracy. All HYIPs investments presuppose high risks. Past Performance of any of programs is no guarantee for the same or similar future performance. Do not spend what you cannot afford to lose.

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