October 22, 2024

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Statistics of the close and not paying programs
NamePayoutsType of the scriptLifetimePayout
  Global Business HYIP 120% - 140% after 1 day,
150% - 190% after 2 days,
180% - 240% after 3 days,
300% - 400% after 7 days
1 51 days 140 %
  Global Currency Trading Group 2.1% daily for 20 days,
3.5% daily for 35 days,
5% daily for 55 days,
3000% after 60 days
1 274 days 205 %
  Global E-Bank 6% - 7% daily for 50 trading days,
966% every 3 months
0 84 days 171.8 %
  Global FX Investments 16% - 56% daily for 100 trading days,
300% after 15 days,
400% after 10 days,
500% after 7 days
0 23 days 224 %
  Global FX Trading 104% - 120% after 1 day,
113% - 200% after 3 days,
135% - 500% after 7 days,
180% - 1000% after 15 days,
300% - 2000% after 30 days
1 13 days 40 %
  Global Finance, Int 36% - 39.5% daily for 3 days,
3.6% - 7.6% daily for 25 days
1 7 days 10.8 %
  Global Financial Trust 1% - 2% daily 0 366 days 266 %
  Global Forex Finance Group 112% - 210% after 3 days,
8% - 10% daily for 15 days,
5% - 6% daily for 30 days,
2% - 4% daily for 110 days
1 2 days 0 %
  Global Fund Gorp 2% - 2.5% daily for 365 days,
105% - 110% after 1 day,
120% - 130% after 2 days,
150% - 180% after 3 days
1 24 days 42 %
  Global Futures Options Trading 102.5% - 130% after 1 day,
110% - 220% after 3 days,
130% - 460% after 7 days,
170% - 1080% after 15 days,
250% - 2500% after 30 days
1 40 days 97.5 %
  Global Gold Alliance 500% after 15 days,
1500% after 20 days,
2500% after 30 days
0 1 days 0 %
  Global Gold Invest 1.5% - 3% daily 1 105 days 60 %
  Global Golden Corporation 5% - 9% daily for 30 trading days 0 64 days 110 %
  Global HYIP 2% daily for 365 days,
2.5% - 5% daily for 30 days
4 23 days 39.5 %
  Global Invest Site 115% - 130% after 1 day,
150% - 200% after 3 days,
200% - 410% after 6 days
1 44 days 555 %
  Global Investment 1% - 10% daily for 30 days 0 167 days 164 %
  Global Investment ... 106% after 1 day,
135% after 5 days,
180% after 10 days,
280% after 20 days
0 6 days 18 %
  Global Leader Inv 105% - 135% after 1 day,
116% - 235% after 3 days,
140% - 535% after 7 days,
1000% - 1335% after 15 days,
2335% after 30 days
1 27 days 125 %
  Global Market 7% - 8% each hour for 15 hours 1 2 days 4 %
  Global Market Solutions 26% - 86% daily for 50 trading days 0 4 days 130 %
  Global Market Team 30% - 50% daily for 5 days,
200% - 600% after 5 days
0 10 days 105 %
  Global Mid Year 5.8% - 6.2% daily for 30 trading days,
2% daily for 30 trading days,
4.9% daily for 32 trading days
0 15 days 18 %
  Global Money Plan 16% - 18% daily for 7 days,
120% - 140% after 7 days,
220% - 420% after 30 days
1 23 days 128 %
  Global Phoenix.net 108% - 124% after 2 days 0 65 days 240 %
  Global Trade Club 1.4% - 2.3% daily for 360 days,
10% daily for 14 days
1 18 days 19.6 %
  Global Trade Investment 102.5% - 125% after 1 day,
110% - 185% after 3 days,
125% - 370% after 7 days,
155% - 700% after 15 days
1 26 days 57.5 %
  Global Trader Plus 1% - 2% daily,
4.21% - 5% each hour for 24 hours
1 95 days 74 %
  Global Trust Funds 103% - 117% after 1 day 1 4 days 9 %
  Global Union Corp. 8% daily for 250 trading days 0 71 days 384 %
  Global Wealth Investments 35% daily for 4 days,
165% after 5 days
1 4 days 15 %
  Global-Car Investment 4% daily for 70 days 0 73 days 188 %
  Global-Ex.biz 15% daily for 10 days 1 9 days 60 %
  Global-Instant 105% - 115% after 1 day,
112% - 140% after 2 days,
119% - 165% after 3 days,
300% - 600% after 15 days,
4.3% - 4.8% each hour for 24 hours
1 2 days 5 %
  GlobalChallenge Invest 1.2% - 3% daily for 365 days,
250% - 450% after 3 days,
2000% after 14 days
1 15 days 14.4 %
  GlobalDividends 8% daily for 14 days,
140% after 14 days
0 11 days 64 %
  GlobalFinancial Strategy 102.5% - 122% after 1 day,
106% - 160% after 2 days,
114% - 240% after 4 days,
140% - 550% after 10 days
1 8 days 15 %
  GlobalProfit2U 4.8% - 5.2% each hour for 24 hours,
120% - 130% after 1 day,
145% - 165% after 2 days,
180% - 200% after 3 days
1 1 days 0 %
  Globalfxtrades 1.2% - 2.5% daily for 120 trading days 0 153 days 55 %
  Globe Asset Limited 12% - 14% each hour for 11 hours 1 22 days 32 %
  GlobeMoneyCash 105% - 130% after 1 day,
120% - 210% after 3 days,
160% - 380% after 7 days,
280% - 770% after 15 days,
650% - 2300% after 30 days
1 1 days 0 %
  Globi 3% - 8% daily 0 5 days 4 %
  Globo Bridge 1.25% - 2.2% daily for 150 trading days 0 274 days 218 %
  Globo Funds Corp. 1.8% daily for 120 trading days,
2% daily for 150 trading days,
2.3% daily for 180 trading days,
2.6% daily for 200 trading days
1 132 days 89 %
  Globo Treasure 22.1% - 25% daily for 5 trading days 0 233 days 125 %
  GloboxFunds.net 10% daily for 15 days 0 19 days 130 %
  GloboxTrade 2% - 3% daily for 100 trading days,
1922% after 100 days
0 169 days 140 %
  Globy INC 5% - 7% daily for 10 days 3 14 days 60 %
  Glocom 5% - 8% daily for 30 trading days 1 318 days 30 %
  Gloria Bank 1.3% - 1.9% daily for 30 days 1 17 days 6.9 %
  Glorious Fund 30% - 34% daily for 4 days,
122% - 138% after 4 days
1 2 days 6.7 %
  Glow Finance Ltd 2% - 4% daily for 20 trading days,
2.5% - 3.5% daily for 40 trading days,
3% - 4% daily for 60 trading days
1 9 days 8 %
  Go Gainer 107% - 120% after 21 days,
120% - 145% after 42 days
1 207 days 251 %
  Go Short Crypto 104% - 120% after 1 day,
125% - 420% after 5 days,
160% - 720% after 10 days,
180% - 960% after 15 days
1 21 days 4 %
  Go2TradeMoney 34% - 38% daily for 3 days,
104% - 129% after 5 days,
106% - 148% after 7 days
0 30 days 18 %
  Go2Union 7% daily for 18 days,
135% after 18 days,
2% daily for 120 days
0 61 days 29.3 %
  GoDeposit 103.6% - 110% after 3 days,
107.5% - 125% after 5 days,
140.6% - 200% after 7 days
1 128 days 151.8 %
  GoGetMoney 15% daily for 9 days,
120% after 5 days,
145% after 10 days,
170% after 15 days
1 20 days 70 %
  GoGoldPro 4.3% - 5.5% each hour for 24 hours,
110% - 140% after 1 day,
125% - 200% after 2 days,
140% - 280% after 3 days
1 5 days 40 %
  Goa-Investment 2% - 2.7% daily for 150 trading days,
11% - 13% daily for 12 days
0 35 days 64 %
  Gold ABM 101% after 1 day,
110% after 3 days,
150% after 7 days,
350% after 30 days
1 43 days 36 %
  Gold Business Palace 18% - 72% daily for 250 trading days 0 87 days 810 %
  Gold Capital Co 21.4% - 24.6% daily for 5 days 0 20 days 34 %
  Gold Earn 130% after 1 day,
250% after 3 days,
650% after 7 days,
1200% after 14 days,
2900% after 30 days
1 10 days 90 %
  Gold Evolution 0.2% - 4% daily 0 19 days 3.3 %
  Gold Evolution 5% daily for 30 days,
120% after 7 days
1 7 days 25 %
  Gold Experts Group 14% daily for 15 trading days 0 18 days 98 %
  Gold Experts Planet 15.75% - 19.75% daily for 100 trading days 0 17 days 78.7 %
  Gold Gain 26.5% - 29% daily for 4 days 0 144 days 256 %
  Gold Generation Club 18% daily for 25 days 0 26 days 324 %
  Gold Generation Club 25% - 45% daily for 10 trading days 0 38 days 398 %
  Gold Grab 30% - 31% daily for 4 days,
122% - 126% after 4 days
1 25 days 90 %
  Gold Hours 35% - 36.67% daily for 3 days,
21.43% daily for 7 days,
11.34% daily for 15 days
1 19 days 64 %
  Gold Int Market 140% - 180% after 1 day,
180% - 220% after 2 days
1 5 days 80 %
  Gold Invex 10% - 15% daily for 99 days,
360% - 510% after 30 days
0 16 days 100 %
  Gold Lands 102% - 106% after 1 day,
105% - 113% after 2 days,
115% - 135% after 5 days,
150% - 230% after 15 days,
230% - 400% after 30 days
1 16 days 26 %
  Gold Mining 5% - 10% daily 1 5 days 5 %
  Gold Monetary Union 27% - 67% daily for 100 trading days 0 12 days 270 %
  Gold Nugget Game 130% - 180% after 1 day,
165% - 210% after 2 days
1 1 days 30 %
  Gold Of Fortune 2% daily for 250 days 0 20 days 30 %
  Gold Pills 105% - 126% after 1 day,
128% - 270% after 5 days,
210% - 655% after 15 days,
300% - 1030% after 25 days,
8% - 13% each hour for 13 hours
1 27 days 60 %
  Gold Pips 6% - 10% daily for 20 days,
50% weekly for 3 weeks
1 50 days 88 %
  Gold Placer 105% - 130% after 1 day,
116% - 200% after 3 days,
145% - 350% after 7 days,
250% - 800% after 15 days,
400% - 1700% after 30 days
1 5 days 15 %
  Gold Poll Hyipn 130% - 150% after 2 days,
180% - 200% after 4 days,
230% - 250% after 6 days,
200% after 3 days,
400% after 5 days
1 1 days 0 %
  Gold Power 130% - 180% after 1 day,
200% - 280% after 2 days
1 1 days 0 %
  Gold Pro Market 110% after 1 day,
30% daily for 9 days,
400% after 25 days
1 1 days 0 %
  Gold Profit Inc. 3% - 3.5% daily for 120 trading days 0 40 days 93 %
  Gold Profits Explorer Co. 101% - 110% after 1 day,
115% - 200% after 2 days,
170% - 300% after 3 days,
1.1% - 10% daily for 30 days
0 59 days 57 %
  Gold Rebound 104% - 130% after 1 day,
55% - 75% daily for 2 days,
130% - 330% after 5 days,
170% - 500% after 10 days,
400% - 1500% after 30 days
1 14 days 44 %
  Gold Rich Fund 103% - 133% after 1 day,
108% - 145% after 2 days,
125% - 250% after 5 days,
165% - 500% after 10 days,
2000% after 35 days
1 4 days 3 %
  Gold Riddance 15% daily for 10 days,
12% daily for 15 days,
125% after 4 days,
150% after 7 days
1 13 days 66 %
  Gold Success 30% - 40% daily for 5 days,
170% - 240% after 5 days,
24% - 35% daily for 10 days,
280% - 430% after 10 days
1 10 days 120 %
  Gold Trade 2.5% - 3% daily for 30 days,
4% daily for 50 days,
175% after 10 days,
500% after 20 days
1 30 days 56 %
  Gold Trade Club 10% daily for 14 days,
300% after 60 days
0 3 days 10 %
  Gold Trader.us 110% - 150% after 2 days 0 73 days 70 %
  Gold Trading Society 18% daily for 200 trading days 0 72 days 864 %
  Gold Treasury Fund 10.2% - 10.5% each hour for 10 hours,
5.25% - 5.75% each hour for 20 hours,
106% - 125% after 1 day,
142% - 250% after 5 days,
475% - 1250% after 20 days
1 6 days 34 %
  Gold Wire Investments 41% - 43% daily for 4 days,
340% after 10 days
0 12 days 123 %
  Gold for Everyone 25% daily for 12 days 0 12 days 200 %
  Gold sun 1000% - 3000% after 30 days 0 151 days 0 %
  Gold&Profit 105% after 1 day,
25% daily for 5 days,
17% daily for 10 days,
240% after 14 days
1 7 days 100 %
  Gold-Bond.biz 5% each hour for 24 hours,
40% each hour for 3 hours
1 4 days 60 %
  Gold-Earn.biz 4.7% - 5% each hour for 24 hours,
115% - 130% after 1 day,
65% - 75% daily for 2 days,
160% - 180% after 3 days,
36% - 40% daily for 5 days
1 1 days 0 %
  Gold-Epicentre 125% - 180% after 1 day,
165% - 210% after 2 days,
215% - 245% after 3 days
1 7 days 120 %
  Gold-Force 120% after 1 day,
67.5% daily for 2 days,
50% daily for 3 days
1 7 days 120 %
  Gold-Forex.org 0.5% - 2% daily 0 19 days 6.5 %
  Gold-Groups 25% - 30% daily for 5 days,
15% - 20% daily for 10 days,
200% - 250% after 10 days,
5% - 7% each hour for 24 hours
1 7 days 90 %
  Gold-Infinite 110% - 140% after 1 day,
130% - 200% after 2 days,
160% - 270% after 3 days
1 19 days 220 %
  Gold-Instant 105% - 129% after 1 day,
110.5% - 179% after 2 days,
137% - 350% after 7 days,
350% - 2450% after 30 days
1 25 days 115 %
  Gold-Payment 2.1% - 2.6% daily for 365 days 0 28 days 51 %
  Gold-Soil 5.5% - 7.5% each hour for 24 hours,
180% - 250% after 1 day
0 8 days 224 %
  Gold-War 1.5% each hour for 120 hours,
50% - 60% daily for 3 days
1 2 days 36 %
  Gold4Finance 400% - 500% after 1 day,
600% - 700% after 2 days
1 1 days 0 %
  Gold4Forex 8% daily for 100 days,
1000% after 50 days
0 10 days 64 %
  Gold4pro 10% daily for 30 days 0 12 days 100 %
  GoldDecember 120% - 130% after 1 day,
145% - 165% after 2 days,
170% - 195% after 3 days
1 1 days 0 %
  GoldFinanceCorp 1.3% - 4.5% daily for 100 trading days,
2.2% - 7% daily for 70 trading days
1 21 days 12 %
  GoldFlux 1% daily for 90 days,
2% daily for 60 days,
3% daily for 30 days
1 32 days 29 %
  GoldFxProfit 0.5% - 1.5% daily for 100 trading days 1 166 days 60 %
  GoldHours 1.1% - 1.5% each hour for 100 hours 0 15 days 111.4 %
  GoldInProfit 110% - 180% after 1 day,
60% - 110% daily for 2 days,
50% - 90% daily for 3 days
1 2 days 0 %
  GoldLinkHYIP 125% - 135% after 1 day,
150% - 170% after 2 days,
200% - 230% after 3 days,
260% - 300% after 4 days,
50% - 70% daily for 4 days
1 8 days 75 %
  GoldNovember 120% - 130% after 1 day,
145% - 165% after 2 days,
170% - 195% after 3 days
1 15 days 260 %
  GoldProfit.net 20% - 25% daily for 10 days 1 11 days 140 %
  GoldProfitInv 102% - 108% after 12 hours,
4.3% - 5.44% each hour for 24 hours,
106% - 126% after 1 day,
248% - 397% after 6 days,
420% - 2100% after 28 days
1 2 days 5 %
  GoldPursuit 120% - 135% after 1 day,
145% - 175% after 2 days,
160% - 180% after 4 days,
210% after 2 days
1 7 days 150 %
  GoldQuests 75% after 15 days for 2 0 90 days 100 %
  GoldSafeFund 120% after 1 day,
250% after 6 days,
500% after 10 days,
1000% after 15 days
1 6 days 60 %
  GoldSchool 105% - 107% after 1 day 1 14 days 60 %
  GoldStorm.Net 115% after 1 day,
20% daily for 3 days,
25% daily for 5 days
1 15 days 295 %
  GoldTradeFunds 3.15% daily for 50 trading days 0 149 days 214 %
  GoldTradeLTD 10% - 13% daily for 13 days 1 44 days 200 %
  GoldWayMoney 115% after 4 days,
140% after 8 days,
200% after 20 days
1 15 days 38 %
  Golden Assets 105% - 126% after 1 day,
115% - 155% after 2 days,
200% - 760% after 8 days,
300% - 1700% after 16 days,
3800% after 30 days
1 3 days 5 %
  Golden Ball Investment 101.5% - 124% after 1 day,
108% - 180% after 3 days,
124% - 320% after 7 days,
154% - 400% after 15 days
1 9 days 10 %
  Golden Bank Hourly LTD 10% each hour for 12 hours,
5% each hour for 30 hours,
350% after 5 days,
800% after 10 days
1 1 days 20 %
  Golden Bank.Biz 180% - 240% after 1 day,
360% - 400% after 2 days
1 1 days 0 %
  Golden Bit Pay Ltd 4% daily for 45 days,
6% daily for 25 days,
10% daily for 12 days
1 8 days 10 %
  Golden Bitz 12% - 20% each hour for 10 hours 1 9 days 125 %
  Golden Cabrio 105% - 115% after 7 days,
115% - 150% after 21 days
1 62 days 17 %
  Golden Cass 105% - 115% after 1 day 0 26 days 90 %
  Golden Cause 120% after 5 days,
150% after 10 days,
250% after 20 days
1 4 days 0 %
  Golden Cigarette 1% daily 0 139 days 137 %
  Golden Crypto Network LTD 12% - 20% daily 1 9 days 82 %
  Golden Desire 40% daily for 3 days,
200% after 7 days,
620% after 14 days
0 14 days 100 %
  Golden Dream Inc 103.2% - 103.4% after 1 day,
110% - 140% after 7 days,
120% - 150% after 30 days,
140% - 160% after 90 days
1 4 days 0 %
  Golden Earn 107% - 124% after 1 day,
154% - 204% after 3 days,
4.4% - 4.7% daily for 24 days
1 1 days 3 %
  Golden Eight Trading Corp 2% daily for 8 days,
2.5% daily for 16 days,
3% daily for 24 days,
4% daily for 32 days
1 9 days 6 %
  Golden Equity Investment 10.3% - 10.9% each hour for 10 hours 1 7 days 49 %
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   DISCLAIMER: We do not promote any programs. The information is based on personal experience and statistics, we do not guarantee its accuracy. All HYIPs investments presuppose high risks. Past Performance of any of programs is no guarantee for the same or similar future performance. Do not spend what you cannot afford to lose.

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