October 22, 2024

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Statistics of the close and not paying programs
NamePayoutsType of the scriptLifetimePayout
  SMRTrade 2% - 3.5% daily for 10 trading days,
122% - 140% after 14 days,
3% daily
1 14 days 21 %
  SOLIDINVESTMENT 1.8% - 3% daily,
3% - 6% daily for 60 trading days
0 460 days 115.2 %
  SS Margin 102.1% after 1 day 1 109 days 75 %
  SS Trade Company 7% daily for 20 days,
10% daily for 15 days,
10% daily for 17 days,
10% daily for 20 days
0 7 days 28 %
  ST Access 2.1% daily for 60 days 1 200 days 266 %
  STABLE E-BANK 5% - 7% daily for 40 trading days 0 117 days 172.5 %
  STFund 4.29% each hour for 24 hours,
103% - 105% after 1 day,
116% - 124% after 4 days,
140% - 156% after 8 days
0 7 days 18 %
  STP-Invest 2% - 3% daily 0 18 days 22 %
  SUCInvestment 20% daily for 10 days,
300% after 10 days,
200% after 7 days
1 2 days 0 %
  SW-Fund 10% daily for 30 days,
35% daily for 4 days,
30% daily for 12 days
0 35 days 190 %
  SW-INVEST 120% - 130% after 1 day,
145% - 165% after 2 days,
180% - 220% after 3 days
1 7 days 120 %
  SabizInvest 30% daily for 5 days,
300% after 7 days,
1200% after 30 days
0 10 days 80 %
  Sabro Technology 5.14% - 6.32% daily for 30 days 1 41 days 60 %
  Safe Daily Fund 1.5% daily for 10 days,
2% daily for 20 trading days,
2.5% daily for 40 trading days
1 15 days 13 %
  Safe Depositary 1.6% - 2.3% daily for 150 trading days 0 433 days 455 %
  Safe Earning 220% - 240% after 1 day 1 1 days 0 %
  Safe Fund 11% - 12% daily for 10 days 1 12 days 3 %
  Safe Funds.biz 18% - 22% daily for 7 days,
135% - 170% after 7 days
1 8 days 24.5 %
  Safe Harbor HYIP 45% - 55% daily for 3 days,
135% - 165% after 2 days,
160% - 200% after 3 days
1 3 days 30 %
  Safe Income 105% - 130% after 1 day,
140% - 450% after 7 days,
180% - 1000% after 12 days,
220% - 1700% after 18 days,
300% - 2500% after 24 days
1 13 days 55 %
  Safe Int Market 130% - 160% after 1 day,
140% - 170% after 2 days
1 20 days 31.5 %
  Safe Inv 105% - 117% after 1 day,
120% - 190% after 5 days,
150% - 280% after 10 days
1 1 days 0 %
  Safe Investments Corp. 18% daily for 20 trading days 0 17 days 72 %
  Safe Investments Inc 2.8% - 3.5% daily for 50 days 0 47 days 58.8 %
  Safe Liberty 104% - 133% after 1 day,
113% - 233% after 3 days,
133% - 633% after 7 days,
173% - 1033% after 14 days,
8333% after 60 days
1 43 days 164 %
  Safe Profit Solution 2% - 3% daily for 25 trading days,
3.2% - 4% daily for 45 trading days,
110% - 120% after 10 days,
122% - 130% after 25 days
1 18 days 23 %
  Safe Wallet 4% - 9% daily 0 8 days 38 %
  Safe-Invest.biz 140% - 200% after 1 day,
60% - 90% daily for 3 days
1 1 days 0 %
  Safe-Invests 120% - 150% after 1 day,
170% - 200% after 2 days,
220% - 250% after 3 days
1 155 days 193 %
  Safe-Trade.biz 3% - 10% daily for 10 days 1 148 days 420 %
  SafeAtom 2% daily for 150 days 0 383 days 558 %
  SafeDepositInc. 2.5% - 3% each hour for 48 hours,
155% - 200% after 3 days,
300% - 350% after 5 days
1 35 days 740.8 %
  SafeInvLtd 2.91% - 3.84% weekly for 142 weeks 1 203 days 80 %
  SafeKapital 1% - 3% daily for 90 days 1 53 days 112 %
  SafeProgram 7% daily for 20 days 1 12 days 12 %
  SafeTrade.us 10% - 16% daily for 15 days,
200% - 300% after 18 days
0 15 days 90 %
  Safeguard Wallet 18% daily for 8 days 0 17 days 65 %
  Safer Invest 102.5% - 108.9% after 1 day,
109% - 127% after 3 days,
180% - 260% after 20 days
0 22 days 58.5 %
  Safety Funds Limited 102.5% - 122% after 1 day,
106% - 160% after 2 days,
114% - 240% after 4 days,
140% - 550% after 10 days
1 9 days 12.5 %
  Safety Funds Limited 5.4% - 20% each hour for 20 hours,
1.2% - 10% each hour for 100 hours,
0.4% - 5% each hour for 500 hours
1 9 days 48 %
  SafetyAssets 3.49% daily for 50 days 1 106 days 165 %
  SafetyDollars 105% - 124% after 1 day,
130% - 264% after 5 days,
180% - 524% after 10 days,
220% - 1200% after 20 days
1 6 days 20 %
  Safeumoney 0.5% daily,
115% - 300% after 1 day
9 14 days 1 %
  Saga-Dollars 15% daily for 15 days,
300% after 15 days
0 10 days 45 %
  SagaHYIP 120% - 125% after 1 day,
145% - 155% after 2 days,
175% - 190% after 3 days,
210% - 240% after 4 days,
250% - 285% after 5 days
1 4 days 40 %
  Sala Profit 4.5% - 8% each hour for 24 hours,
120% - 250% after 1 day,
145% - 400% after 2 days,
33% - 99% daily for 8 days
1 1 days 0 %
  Salei Trade Company 15% - 65% daily for 1,000 trading days 0 14 days 75 %
  SaliPay Limited 0.3% - 0.6% daily 0 218 days 98 %
  Salin Oil 30% daily for 5 days,
400% after 10 days
0 4 days 60 %
  SamSting 50.5% - 51.17% each hour for 2 hours 1 13 days 100 %
  Samaj Fund 103% - 124% after 1 day,
120% - 185% after 5 days
0 81 days 237 %
  Sambrero Gold 33% daily for 4 days 0 15 days 121 %
  SamiHYIP 20% - 25% daily for 7 days 0 5 days 60 %
  Sanhigth 144% after 1 day 0 2 days 0 %
  Santiago HYIP 122% - 140% after 1 day,
150% - 180% after 2 days,
180% - 230% after 3 days
1 7 days 88 %
  Santiventures 1.3% - 2.8% daily for 107 trading days 0 108 days 22 %
  SapidHYIP 130% - 180% after 1 day,
170% - 220% after 2 days,
210% - 280% after 3 days
1 1 days 0 %
  Sara HYIP 150% - 199% after 1 day,
180% - 200% after 2 days
1 2 days 0 %
  Sasin HYIP 2% - 3.5% daily for 90 trading days 0 347 days 437 %
  Satellite Fund Inc. 112% - 150% after 3 days 0 74 days 168 %
  Satellite Funds 127% after 1 day,
157% after 2 days,
187% after 3 days
1 4 days 54 %
  Satindra 2% weekly for 2 weeks,
2.5% weekly for 6 weeks,
3.5% weekly for 10 weeks,
4% weekly for 18 weeks
0 380 days 325 %
  Saturn-Mining Ltd 101.5% - 150% after 1 day,
105% - 200% after 3 days,
110% - 350% after 5 days,
130% - 650% after 10 days
1 210 days 82 %
  Save Money 244% after 5 days,
500% after 10 days,
3% daily for 85 days,
8% daily for 45 days
1 80 days 230 %
  Save New Year 1% - 2% each hour 0 13 days 152.6 %
  Save and Make more... 102% - 110% after 7 days,
2% - 3% daily for 365 days
0 25 days 6 %
  Savica Investment 103% - 120% after 1 day,
120% - 185% after 4 days,
135% - 210% after 7 days
0 52 days 66 %
  Saving Kings 0.6% daily for 5 trading days,
0.7% daily for 100 trading days
1 69 days 27 %
  SavingFinance 53% - 64% daily for 2 days,
4% - 15% daily for 10 days
1 58 days 201.8 %
  Saw Invest 15% - 30% daily for 20 days,
1050% - 1200% after 30 days
0 17 days 138 %
  SaxoMarket 200% after 1 day,
1% each hour for 120 hours,
150% - 200% after 5 days
0 16 days 90 %
  ScadFund 30% daily for 4 days 0 7 days 50 %
  Scalapay Investment 102% - 120% after 1 day,
120% - 185% after 5 days
0 183 days 364 %
  Scalax Trade 2.1% daily for 10 days,
7.7% daily for 20 days,
6.4% daily for 30 days,
6.3% daily for 40 days
0 11 days 14 %
  ScienceCash 0.63% - 0.71% each hour for 240 hours 0 4 days 12 %
  Scionrise 1.7% daily for 3 days,
2.1% daily for 6 days
1 8 days 6 %
  Sclass Inv 103% - 105% after 1 day,
107% - 111% after 2 days,
117% - 128% after 5 days,
138% - 160% after 10 days,
185% - 200% after 20 days
1 53 days 71 %
  Score HYIP 130% - 160% after 1 day,
180% - 200% after 2 days
1 2 days 0 %
  Scotfund, Inc 3% - 3.5% daily for 20 days 1 66 days 96 %
  SeaOil 100.52% after 1 day,
1.52% daily for 60 days,
2.52% daily for 120 days
0 27 days 10 %
  Seamless Profitable 3.5% - 6.5% daily for 62 days 0 30 days 92 %
  Searchhyip 20% - 25% daily for 6 days,
12.5% - 16% daily for 12 days,
150% - 200% after 6 days,
250% - 500% after 12 days
1 29 days 183.3 %
  Seasonal Traders Company 1.8% - 3.2% weekly for 17 weeks,
0.24% - 0.4% daily for 160 trading days,
0.48% - 0.88% daily for 180 trading days
0 928 days 278 %
  SecInvest 30% - 35% daily for 5 days,
200% - 225% after 5 days
1 4 days 30 %
  Secoby 1.3% daily for 10 days,
1.9% daily for 20 days,
155% after 20 days
1 26 days 29 %
  Secondly.biz 200% after 1 hour,
1.7% - 2% secondly for 60 seconds,
1.7% - 2% minutely for 60 minutes,
4.5% - 9% each hour
0 29 days 257.9 %
  Section Traders 1% daily for 60 trading days,
1.5% - 2% daily for 90 trading days
1 101 days 70 %
  Secu-Invest 7% - 11% daily for 90 days 1 7 days 7 %
  Secure Assets 3% daily for 20 days,
9% daily for 20 days,
200% after 20 days
1 20 days 52 %
  Secure Earn 200% - 1000% after 1 day,
500% - 3000% after 2 days,
100% daily for 100 days
0 8 days 500 %
  Secure Earn LTD. 2.1% - 2.7% daily for 70 trading days 1 17 days 18 %
  Secure Finance 102.5% - 122% after 1 day,
106% - 160% after 2 days,
120% - 300% after 5 days,
140% - 540% after 8 days
1 4 days 5 %
  Secure Forex 105% - 125% after 1 day,
58% - 75% daily for 2 days,
8.65% - 9% each hour for 12 hours,
130% - 280% after 5 days,
170% - 500% after 10 days
1 13 days 49 %
  Secure Gold Fund 16% - 56% daily for 100 trading days 0 7 days 48 %
  Secure Income 120% after 7 days,
160% after 16 days,
200% after 20 days,
320% after 45 days
1 48 days 96 %
  Secure Investiment 1.5% daily for 20 days,
2% daily for 40 days,
2.5% daily for 60 days,
2.7% daily for 180 days,
2.9% daily for 365 days
1 50 days 34 %
  Secure Investment 2% - 3% daily for 90 trading days,
5% - 6% daily for 45 trading days,
9% - 10% daily for 20 trading days,
400% - 500% after 35 days
1 70 days 42 %
  Secure Investment Ltd 20.4% - 25% each hour for 5 hours,
8.75% - 20% each hour for 12 hours,
3.7% - 10% each hour for 30 hours,
150% after 3 days
1 2 days 10 %
  Secure Project 106% - 122% after 1 day,
148% - 195% after 3 days,
354% - 385% after 6 days,
1150% after 15 days,
9500% after 35 days
1 4 days 16 %
  Secure Trads 105% - 126% after 1 day,
39% - 63% daily for 3 days,
128% - 270% after 5 days,
210% - 655% after 15 days,
8% - 13% each hour for 13 hours
1 17 days 78 %
  Secure-Einvest 2.2% - 2.3% daily for 50 days,
230% - 250% after 50 days
1 44 days 86 %
  Secure-Inv 102.5% - 135% after 1 day,
108% - 210% after 3 days,
120% - 510% after 7 days,
145% - 1210% after 15 days,
4000% after 35 days
1 78 days 218 %
  SecureAssets 2.2% - 2.8% daily for 100 trading days 0 56 days 80 %
  SecureCapitals 2.5% - 6% daily for 90 trading days 1 163 days 146 %
  SecureCashFlow 104% - 125% after 1 day,
114% - 205% after 3 days,
126% - 325% after 5 days,
158% - 650% after 10 days,
262% - 1725% after 25 days
1 9 days 28 %
  SecureEarn 105% - 130% after 1 day,
110.5% - 178% after 2 days,
116% - 210% after 3 days,
160% - 700% after 10 days,
55.5% - 90% daily for 2 days
1 37 days 170 %
  Securearn 11% - 20% each hour for 10 hours 1 3 days 30 %
  Secured My Future 2% daily for 100 days,
1.7% daily
1 73 days 9 %
  SecurityProfit 120% - 150% after 1 day,
160% - 220% after 2 days,
200% - 260% after 3 days,
75% - 105% daily for 2 days,
6% - 8% daily for 24 days
1 3 days 20 %
  Select-HYIP 400% - 600% after 1 day 1 2 days 0 %
  Selected-HYIP 4.2% each hour for 24 hours,
140% - 180% after 1 day,
185% - 225% after 2 days
1 2 days 40 %
  Sematex 0.09% - 0.44% each hour for 360 hours,
135% - 270% after 10 days,
1.25% each hour for 96 hours
0 5 days 6 %
  Senior Gold 6% - 8% daily for 20 trading days 0 88 days 84 %
  Senior-HYIP 120% - 140% after 1 day,
150% - 185% after 2 days,
60% - 68% daily for 2 days
1 3 days 60 %
  Senixo 107% - 135% after 1 day,
125% - 230% after 3 days
0 14 days 63 %
  Senros Group 1.5% daily for 15 trading days,
1.8% daily for 25 trading days,
2.5% daily for 50 trading days
0 75 days 64 %
  Sensible Invest Inc. 115% after 7 days,
135% after 14 days,
160% after 20 days
1 43 days 80 %
  Serious Safe Business Inc. 103% - 110% after 1 day,
110% - 125% after 2 days,
155% - 170% after 5 days,
300% - 350% after 10 days
1 18 days 36 %
  Served Profits 60% - 70% daily for 2 days,
130% - 160% after 2 days,
40% - 50% daily for 4 days
1 11 days 120 %
  Service-HYIP 220% - 330% after 1 day,
350% - 400% after 2 days,
500% after 7 days
1 1 days 0 %
  Setia Investments 1% each hour for 106 hours,
1.2% each hour for 95 hours,
1.6% each hour for 85 hours,
2% each hour for 75 hours,
1.38% - 8% daily for 300 days
1 27 days 28 %
  Setinvest 2.6% - 3.5% daily for 60 days,
11% - 15% weekly for 15 weeks
0 288 days 181.8 %
  Seto-Company 103% - 125% after 1 day,
125% - 180% after 5 days,
145% - 300% after 10 days,
220% - 600% after 17 days
1 5 days 3 %
  Seven Million Dollars 52% - 60% daily for 2 days,
110% - 120% after 2 days
1 40 days 68 %
  Seven Wonders Ltd 2.1% daily for 7 days,
700% after 100 days
1 20 days 33 %
  Sgs-Ltd 101.5% after 1 day,
1% daily for 365 days
1 69 days 78 %
  ShagaProfit 1.1% - 20% daily for 100 days,
150% - 300% after 3 days,
180% - 700% after 5 days
0 406 days 44 %
  Shamo Trade 108% - 114% after 3 days,
114% - 128% after 5 days,
124% - 150% after 7 days
1 18 days 24 %
  Share Benefit 150% - 400% after 1 day,
450% - 650% after 2 days,
700% - 1000% after 3 days
1 14 days 500 %
  Share Trade Income 105% - 130% after 1 day,
55% - 75% daily for 2 days,
130% - 330% after 5 days,
180% - 500% after 10 days,
500% - 1100% after 30 days
1 44 days 260 %
  Shares-Invest 101% after 1 day,
3% daily for 5 days,
4% daily for 15 days,
5% daily for 25 days
0 8 days 8 %
  Shark-HYIP 110% - 150% after 1 day,
160% - 200% after 7 days
1 5 days 30 %
  ShiftInvest 110% - 120% after 1 day,
40% - 45% daily for 3 days,
135% - 145% after 3 days,
150% - 170% after 5 days
1 1 days 0 %
  ShineInvest 4.5% - 7.5% each hour for 24 hours,
0.2% minutely for 1,440 minutes,
115% - 140% after 1 day,
140% - 190% after 2 days,
200% - 300% after 4 days
1 3 days 15 %
  Shockincome 120% - 150% after 1 day,
150% - 210% after 2 days,
210% - 330% after 3 days
1 7 days 100 %
  Shopmaniacs 4.25% - 5.5% daily for 40 days,
35% - 40% weekly for 5 weeks,
23% - 50% daily for 5 days,
60% - 75% daily for 2 days
1 44 days 135 %
  SiBet 0.2% - 4% daily 0 162 days 150 %
  Siberian Forest Trading 1% daily 3 42 days 16 %
  Sigma Sum 9% - 12% daily for 12 days 0 22 days 16 %
  SigmaFund Cloud Ltd 0.09% each hour for 2,400 hours,
0.2% each hour for 960 hours,
0.65% each hour for 168 hours,
1.9% each hour for 75 hours
1 88 days 197 %
  Signal HYIP 130% - 160% after 1 day,
300% after 6 days
1 9 days 150 %
  Signhyip 1% - 1.6% each hour for 120 hours,
0.75% - 1.25% each hour for 240 hours,
200% - 400% after 5 days,
300% - 600% after 10 days
1 32 days 545.6 %
  Signum Trade 103% - 150% after 1 day,
118% - 380% after 5 days,
170% - 600% after 10 days,
320% - 1500% after 20 days
1 32 days 87 %
  Silicon Investments 105% - 125% after 1 day,
180% - 480% after 15 days,
400% - 990% after 30 days
1 23 days 100 %
  Silurus Profit 16% - 21% daily for 7 days,
2.1% - 7.9% daily for 7 days
1 21 days 80 %
  Silvent International 1.35% - 2.3% daily for 240 days 1 51 days 63.5 %
  Silver Profit Investment 4.7% - 6.1% daily for 30 trading days 1 3 days 2 %
  Silver Structure 2% daily for 150 days 1 140 days 164 %
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   DISCLAIMER: We do not promote any programs. The information is based on personal experience and statistics, we do not guarantee its accuracy. All HYIPs investments presuppose high risks. Past Performance of any of programs is no guarantee for the same or similar future performance. Do not spend what you cannot afford to lose.

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