March 25, 2025

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Statistics of the close and not paying programs
NamePayoutsType of the scriptLifetimePayout
  SuperCashInv 105% - 130% after 1 day,
125% - 230% after 3 days,
180% - 630% after 7 days,
325% - 1200% after 15 days,
700% - 2900% after 30 days
1 3 days 5 %
  SuperHotPay 105% - 130% after 1 day,
116.5% - 245% after 3 days,
142% - 645% after 7 days,
197.5% - 1100% after 15 days,
8920% after 60 days
1 55 days 260 %
  SuperMoneyInv 106% - 129% after 1 day,
125% - 199% after 3 days,
4.35% - 5.2% each hour for 24 hours,
58% - 100% daily for 2 days,
700% - 1900% after 30 days
1 8 days 59.7 %
  Superb Earn 110% - 120% after 20 days,
120% - 145% after 40 days
1 212 days 178 %
  SuperbHyip 180% - 250% after 1 day 1 6 days 340 %
  Superhyip 0.3% daily for 30 days,
0.4% daily for 60 days,
0.5% daily for 90 days,
4.2% weekly for 26 weeks
0 92 days 46 %
  Superminers 102.5% - 130% after 1 day,
116% - 290% after 5 days,
145% - 950% after 15 days,
200% - 2400% after 30 days
1 54 days 106 %
  Supfund 11% daily for 30 days 0 13 days 121 %
  Supreme HYIP 20% - 35% daily for 9 days 0 36 days 128.9 %
  SupremeIncome 105% - 125% after 1 day,
120% - 225% after 3 days,
160% - 625% after 7 days,
280% - 1300% after 15 days,
600% - 3000% after 30 days
1 4 days 10 %
  Sure 115% - 140% after 1 day,
145% - 170% after 2 days
1 1 days 0 %
  Sure-Earnings 1.4% - 1.8% daily 0 12 days 14 % 130% - 190% after 1 day,
260% - 380% after 2 days,
390% - 570% after 3 days
1 8 days 425 %
  SureBetClub 1% daily 0 43 days 27 %
  Sureinv 3.5% daily for 60 days,
4% daily for 45 days,
5% daily for 30 days
0 138 days 150 %
  Surf Investment 3% daily for 60 days,
200% - 300% after 5 days
1 13 days 15 %
  SurfMoneyClicks 5% - 8% daily for 30 days 0 16 days 25 %
  Surplus Reserve Ltd 103% - 115% after 1 day,
120% - 180% after 5 days
0 77 days 114 %
  Surprize4u 20% - 25% daily for 7 days,
200% - 230% after 10 days
0 38 days 131.9 %
  Suzuki Coin 2% - 3% daily 1 108 days 208 %
  Sven HYIP 140% - 170% after 1 day,
180% - 210% after 2 days,
210% - 240% after 3 days
1 8 days 126.3 %
  Swaia 27.15% - 31.22% daily for 4 days 1 127 days 325 %
  SwapBarter 30% - 32% daily for 4 days,
125% - 135% after 4 days
1 12 days 36 %
  Sweet-Gain 110% after 1 day,
154% after 3 days
0 13 days 150 %
  SweetEarn 30% daily for 5 days,
20% daily for 10 days,
15% daily for 20 days
0 6 days 75 %
  SweetHourly 4.5% - 5% each hour for 24 hours,
110% - 130% after 1 day,
130% - 170% after 2 days,
150% - 190% after 3 days
1 8 days 70 %
  Swell Income 60% - 70% daily for 3 days 0 2 days 0 %
  Swift HYIP 25% - 50% daily for 6 days,
180% - 380% after 6 days
1 4 days 50 %
  Swift Income Ltd. 3% - 5% each hour for 48 hours,
160% - 280% after 2 days
1 5 days 60 %
  Swift-Fund 12% daily for 12 days,
160% after 12 days,
250% after 24 days
1 60 days 242.7 %
  Swift-Money 105% - 120% after 1 day,
140% - 450% after 7 days,
205% - 1200% after 15 days,
310% - 2500% after 25 days,
600% - 5000% after 50 days
1 31 days 140 %
  SwiftEarning 3% - 4% each hour for 48 hours,
160% - 220% after 2 days,
60% - 80% daily for 3 days
1 9 days 224.7 %
  SwiftHYIP 102% - 200% after 1 second,
0.28% - 0.37% minutely for 360 minutes
0 21 days 105.3 %
  Swing Invest 30% - 34% daily for 4 days,
140% - 150% after 4 days
1 17 days 97.5 %
  Swing-Traders 120% - 150% after 1 day,
150% - 250% after 2 days
1 4 days 60 %
  Swiss Gold Fund 25% - 65% daily for 10 trading days 0 23 days 187.5 %
  Swiss Gold Limited 20.5% - 30% each hour for 5 hours,
8.9% - 20% each hour for 12 hours,
130% - 400% after 1 day,
185% - 1500% after 3 days
1 12 days 66.8 %
  Swiss Gold-Finance 22% - 72% daily for 60 trading days 0 166 days 1958 %
  Swiss Golden Union 9% - 15% daily for 300 trading days 0 56 days 315 %
  Swiss Invest Fund 1.6% - 2% daily for 90 days,
4.8% daily for 30 days
0 48 days 65 %
  Swiss Trading Inc. 16% - 86% daily for 50 trading days 0 24 days 224 %
  Swiss-Gold Empire 12% daily for 100 trading days 0 36 days 311.7 %
  Swiss-Invests 1.8% - 2.5% daily for 365 days,
2.5% - 3.5% daily for 100 days,
105% - 150% after 30 days,
250% after 75 days
1 14 days 22 %
  SwissInvestment Company 5% - 7% daily for 100 trading days 0 1 days 0 %
  Swisshyip 5% - 15% daily,
20% - 40% daily for 6 days,
500% - 900% after 12 days
1 6 days 240 %
  Switch-HYIP 170% - 200% after 1 day,
270% - 330% after 2 days,
400% - 450% after 3 days
1 5 days 140 %
  Switch2Profit 25% daily for 5 days,
16% daily for 10 days,
200% after 15 days,
250% after 25 days,
300% after 35 days
1 15 days 60 %
  Swith HYIP 160% - 600% after 1 day,
550% - 910% after 2 days,
850% - 1150% after 3 days
1 4 days 60 %
  Switzerland Hyip 130% - 160% after 1 day,
180% - 220% after 2 days,
400% - 440% after 5 days
1 10 days 417.6 %
  Swoosh Profits 150% - 200% after 1 day,
240% - 300% after 2 days
1 5 days 227.3 %
  SyFunds Inc. 1.5% - 2.2% daily for 150 trading days 0 49 days 42 %
  Symbio Finance 0.5% - 10% daily,
2% daily
0 137 days 30 %
  SymbroFX 2.1% daily for 5 days 1 15 days 22 %
  SyncInvest 2% - 3% daily 0 521 days 232 %
  Synergy HYIP 60% - 80% daily for 3 days,
120% - 150% after 2 days,
150% - 180% after 3 days,
200% - 220% after 5 days
1 7 days 100 %
  Synergy Invest Systems 8% - 9% daily for 20 days 1 21 days 51 %
  Synvestment 1.6% daily for 5 days,
2% daily for 15 days,
2.4% daily for 25 days,
3% daily for 40 days
1 107 days 133 %
  System Trading Gold 2.05% daily for 25 trading days,
2.65% daily for 33 trading days,
2.85% daily for 48 trading days
0 17 days 34.2 %
  T-M24 102.2% - 103% after 1 day 1 15 days 26 %
  T-SAT Communication 5% daily for 33 trading days,
7% daily for 22 trading days,
9% daily for 11 trading days,
2% daily for 365 days
1 21 days 34 %
  T1 Investment Group 40% - 50% daily for 3 days,
105% - 120% after 1 day,
160% - 250% after 7 days,
800% - 1000% after 30 days
1 41 days 227.6 %
  T1fx 2.5% - 3.5% each hour for 48 hours,
115% - 140% after 1 day
1 13 days 165 %
  T3 Fund 3% - 3.6% daily for 50 trading days 1 13 days 28 %
  TAT Investment 5% daily 0 10 days 15 %
  TELHYIP 150% - 200% after 1 day,
210% - 300% after 2 days
1 6 days 200 %
  TFX Trade 1.2% daily for 120 days,
1.8% daily for 90 days,
2.2% daily for 60 days,
2.7% daily for 30 days
0 7 days 5 %
  TGI Profit Club 15% - 50% daily for 100 days 0 18 days 135 %
  THEBESTHYIP.ORG 10% daily for 15 trading days,
785% after 30 days
0 55 days 116.7 %
  TIA Investment 135% after 3 days,
175% after 6 days,
23% daily for 9 days
0 4 days 0 %
  TINOKO Capital 0.7% - 1.5% daily 0 50 days 32 %
  TKCinvest 23% - 25% daily for 6 days,
145% - 165% after 6 days
1 2 days 0 %
  TOO Earn 108% after 30 days,
117% after 60 days
1 635 days 159 %
  TOP FX CO 106% - 122% after 1 day,
113% - 185% after 3 days,
162% - 450% after 7 days,
191% - 840% after 10 days,
715% - 2300% after 30 days
1 9 days 42 %
  TOP Invest Club 8% - 58% daily for 200 trading days 0 153 days 664 %
  TOUCHHYIP 150% - 180% after 1 day,
210% - 270% after 2 days,
320% - 440% after 4 days
1 4 days 120 %
  TP FX PRO LTD. 101% - 108% after 1 day,
106% - 141% after 5 days,
119% - 224% after 15 days,
160% - 500% after 45 days
1 335 days 325 %
  TP Investment 1.7% - 3% daily 1 118 days 64 %
  TPG Invests 0.5% - 10% daily for 30 trading days 0 23 days 2 %
  TRUST4INVEST GROUP 120% after 1 day 1 22 days 440 %
  TRYPESDY 3% daily for 50 days 0 13 days 21 %
  TST-trading 14% daily for 7 days,
3.66% daily for 30 days,
2% daily for 60 days,
1.51% daily for 90 days,
0.3% daily for 365 days
1 161 days 60.8 %
  TURN THE PAGE 130% - 210% after 1 day,
165% - 300% after 2 days
1 2 days 0 %
  TVfunds International 10% daily for 14 days 0 16 days 50 %
  Table Bitcoin 0.3% - 0.88% each hour,
9000% after 25 days,
7000% after 4 days
1 19 days 139 %
  Table Bitcoin Limited 17% - 30% each hour for 6 hours,
8.75% - 10% each hour for 12 hours,
111% - 150% after 1 day,
130% - 300% after 3 days
1 1 days 0 %
  Tader7 101% after 1 day,
107% after 3 days,
2% daily for 5 trading days,
3% daily for 10 trading days
1 8 days 8 %
  TakeHYIP 120% - 160% after 1 day,
150% - 190% after 2 days,
210% - 250% after 3 days
1 5 days 268.3 %
  TakiCoin Ltd 2.5% daily for 16 days,
4% daily for 20 days,
1500% after 25 days,
1900% after 20 days
1 63 days 131.4 %
  Tangible Fund 53% - 54% daily for 2 days,
125% - 130% after 5 days,
160% - 170% after 10 days
1 11 days 15 %
  TaraHYIP 125% - 170% after 1 day,
5% - 19.5% each hour for 24 hours,
390% - 400% after 2 days,
300% - 330% after 3 days
1 3 days 160 %
  TaraHYIP 104% - 125% after 1 day,
55% - 70% daily for 2 days,
130% - 300% after 5 days,
180% - 475% after 10 days,
500% - 1300% after 30 days
1 3 days 5 %
  Target Income 103% - 110% after 1 day,
120% - 160% after 5 days,
185% - 340% after 15 days,
250% - 800% after 30 days
1 20 days 54 %
  Target Profit 102% - 125% after 1 day,
117% - 250% after 5 days,
150% - 800% after 15 days,
250% - 1800% after 30 days
1 8 days 10 %
  Tascadero Group S.A. 3% daily 1 42 days 82 %
  TaxFree Invest 2% daily for 100 days,
2.5% daily for 80 days,
3% daily for 67 days
0 65 days 108 %
  TccInvest 4.5% - 5.8% each hour for 24 hours,
110% - 145% after 1 day,
450% after 15 days
1 6 days 40 %
  TeTNaz 104% - 145% after 1 day,
124% - 381% after 5 days,
175% - 1380% after 15 days
1 107 days 66 %
  Tea House Inc Limited 5.7% each hour for 18 hours,
102.5% - 120% after 1 day,
114% - 220% after 5 days,
145% - 700% after 15 days
1 102 days 162.5 %
  Tea Traders 2% weekly for 65 weeks,
555% after 15 days,
888% after 45 days,
999% after 100 days
1 340 days 94 %
  Tea-House Company 17% - 20% each hour for 6 hours,
9.5% - 10% each hour for 11 hours,
4.6% - 5% each hour for 24 hours,
0.5% - 1% each hour for 500 hours
1 4 days 31.2 %
  Teac-Fund 15% daily for 10 days 0 9 days 90 %
  Team Earners Fund 0.7% - 5% daily 0 99 days 36.7 %
  Tech-Bitcoin 2.5% daily for 60 days,
4.5% daily for 45 days
1 21 days 45 %
  Techlink Capital Limited 20.4% - 25% each hour for 5 hours,
8.75% - 20% each hour for 12 hours,
3.7% - 10% each hour for 30 hours,
160% - 300% after 3 days
1 2 days 4 %
  Technic Hyip 140% - 170% after 1 day,
170% - 230% after 2 days,
45% - 60% daily for 5 days
0 2 days 0 %
  Technical INV 110% - 115% after 1 day,
122% - 135% after 2 days,
138% - 160% after 3 days
1 12 days 90 %
  TechnicalLTD 8% - 10% each hour for 24 hours,
150% - 190% after 1 day,
250% - 350% after 2 days
1 3 days 296 %
  Telecom Finance 0.3% daily for 30 trading days,
0.5% daily for 120 trading days,
0.8% daily for 180 trading days
0 132 days 35.7 %
  Telex-Invest 13% - 17% daily for 10 days,
130% - 200% after 1 day
1 56 days 104 %
  Temco Group 26.8% - 34.83% daily for 4 days 0 16 days 25 %
  Tempas 6.6% daily for 15 days,
3.3% daily for 30 days
0 19 days 114.8 %
  Temple of Gold 14% daily for 100 trading days 0 73 days 686 %
  TenTraders 105% - 500% after 1 day,
115% - 900% after 2 days,
125% - 1500% after 3 days,
150% - 2500% after 5 days
1 35 days 282.1 %
  Terminal Fund 108% - 114% after 1 day,
126% - 145% after 3 days
1 11 days 72 %
  Terra-Profits 1.2% daily for 30 days,
1.5% daily for 60 days,
1.8% daily for 100 days,
2.1% daily for 150 days
0 85 days 120.8 %
  TerraInvest-Ltd 1.2% daily for 5 days,
1.5% daily for 15 days,
1.8% daily for 30 days
1 76 days 59 %
  Territory Crystal 107% after 1 day,
130% after 3 days,
150% after 4 days,
170% after 5 days
1 10 days 49 %
  Tesla Finance 102.5% - 110% after 1 day,
110% - 160% after 3 days,
125% - 260% after 7 days,
180% - 580% after 15 days,
13% - 30% daily for 10 days
1 17 days 55 %
  TetraDollars 110% after 12 hours,
25% daily for 10 trading days,
150% after 36 hours,
210% after 4 days,
500% after 7 days
0 21 days 128.6 %
  Tewel Agrar 2.4% - 2.44% daily for 12 days,
3.1% - 3.14% daily for 30 days,
4.2% - 4.3% daily for 55 days,
109% - 109.04% after 15 days
1 65 days 86 %
  TextureHYIP 120% - 180% after 1 day,
160% - 230% after 2 days,
200% - 280% after 3 days,
85% - 100% daily for 3 days
1 8 days 220 %
  Thai Inv 0.5% daily for 365 days 1 37 days 13 %
  Thai Monetary Fund 1.1% daily for 20 trading days,
1.3% daily for 40 trading days,
1.5% daily for 60 trading days,
1.7% daily for 80 trading days
0 244 days 172 %
  The 1 Hyip 140% - 480% after 1 day,
380% - 750% after 2 days,
710% - 1200% after 3 days,
750% - 1600% after 4 days
1 1 days 0 %
  The Big Rabbit 105% - 120% after 1 day,
135% - 220% after 5 days,
400% - 800% after 30 days
1 18 days 70 %
  The Biggest Profit Ltd 6500% after 90 days,
2.2% daily for 20 days,
3% daily for 35 days,
4% daily for 55 days
1 28 days 53 %
  The Billionaire Limited 101% - 135% after 1 day,
109% - 550% after 7 days,
122% - 1200% after 15 days,
145% - 2000% after 30 days
1 332 days 313 %
  The Bull Finance 101% - 130% after 1 day,
150% - 200% after 3 days,
180% - 350% after 5 days
0 305 days 306 %
  The CashFul 103% - 125% after 1 day,
126% - 295% after 5 days,
150% - 865% after 10 days,
230% - 2525% after 20 days,
485% - 3905% after 30 days
1 11 days 27 %
  The Forex East Group 1.1% - 1.5% daily for 30 days,
1.2% - 2.1% daily for 120 days
1 193 days 111.6 %
  The Gold Bank Investment 120% - 150% after 1 day,
140% - 170% after 2 days,
160% - 190% after 3 days
1 12 days 60 %
  The Gold Rush 2007 72% - 73% daily for 2 days 0 1 days 0 %
  The Hive Eco 1% daily for 22 days,
5% daily for 40 trading days,
6% daily for 22 trading days,
35% weekly for 4 weeks
1 28 days 13 %
  The Honest HYIP 1% daily for 150 trading days,
5% weekly for 30 weeks
0 677 days 156 %
  The Inv 103% - 130% after 1 day,
37% - 50% daily for 3 days,
116% - 300% after 5 days,
145% - 500% after 10 days
1 5 days 9 %
  The Klides 0.7% - 3% daily for 150 trading days 0 351 days 265 %
  The Libertyreserve 103% - 130% after 1 day,
110% - 150% after 2 days,
54% - 75% daily for 2 days,
150% - 300% after 5 days,
250% - 500% after 7 days
1 12 days 72.1 %
  The Money Dome 50% - 60% daily for 3 days,
140% - 150% after 2 days
1 4 days 100 %
  The Money Dome 100.5% after 1 hour,
35% - 45% each hour for 3 hours
1 1 days 15 %
  The Premier Fund 5% daily for 40 trading days,
31% weekly for 6 weeks,
150% monthly for 2 months
0 24 days 85 %
  The Pyramid Trade 115% - 125% after 1 day,
135% - 155% after 2 days,
155% - 180% after 3 days
1 4 days 45 %
  The Safe Point 21% - 30% daily for 5 days,
740% - 980% monthly for 12 months
0 9 days 44 %
  The Simpsons Invest 8.55% daily for 15 days,
5.7% daily for 30 days,
4.75% daily for 45 days
3 33 days 78 %
  The Stoic 1.4% - 2.8% daily for 190 trading days 0 419 days 559.4 %
  The Thirteen Fund 113% - 139% after 1 day,
126% - 152% after 2 days
1 2 days 0 %
  The Wealths 5% - 7% daily for 30 trading days 1 46 days 23 %
  The Winter Profit 104% - 108% after 1 day,
110% - 118% after 2 days,
116% - 128% after 3 days
1 59 days 271.5 %
  The X Size Funding Limited 1% daily for 7 days,
1.3% daily for 15 days,
1.5% daily for 30 days,
2% daily for 60 days
0 17 days 16 %
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   DISCLAIMER: We do not promote any programs. The information is based on personal experience and statistics, we do not guarantee its accuracy. All HYIPs investments presuppose high risks. Past Performance of any of programs is no guarantee for the same or similar future performance. Do not spend what you cannot afford to lose.

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