October 22, 2024

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Statistics of the close and not paying programs
NamePayoutsType of the scriptLifetimePayout
  Umba Fund 15% - 25% daily for 15 days,
200% after 7 days
0 17 days 186.5 %
  Unanimous Trade 1.9% - 3.5% daily for 14 days 1 12 days 18 %
  Uncharted Wealth 0.05% daily for 260 trading days 1 2,037 days 549 %
  Underwater Kingdom 105% after 1 day,
108% after 36 hours,
112% after 2 days
3 11 days 40 %
  Uni Trader 1.1% daily 0 19 days 17.6 %
  UniTrading 0.5% - 2% daily 3 94 days 48 %
  Unico-FX 104% - 125% after 1 day,
113% - 195% after 3 days,
180% - 950% after 15 days,
270% - 2250% after 30 days,
2000% - 10000% after 100 days
1 50 days 188 %
  UnicornProfit Fund 10% - 20% weekly 0 12 days 0 %
  Unido Tradesman 1.2% - 10% daily for 30 days,
1% daily for 365 days,
1.5% daily for 180 days,
2.5% daily for 120 days
3 183 days 199 %
  Union Asset Management 4% - 7% daily for 35 days 1 28 days 27 %
  Union Invest 105% - 115% after 1 day,
125% - 135% after 3 days,
350% - 450% after 6 days,
850% - 950% after 9 days
1 11 days 20 %
  Union-Fund 20% - 28% daily for 7 days,
170% - 270% after 7 days
0 7 days 40 %
  Union-Trust 104% - 120% after 1 day,
137% - 270% after 7 days,
170% - 380% after 12 days,
240% - 540% after 20 days,
450% - 1200% after 45 days
1 16 days 52 %
  UnionFunds.biz 2% daily for 120 days,
2.2% daily for 150 days,
2.5% daily for 180 days
1 29 days 36 %
  UnionPioneers 1.25% daily for 20 days,
1.5% daily for 40 days,
1.7% daily for 60 days,
2.5% daily for 90 days
1 64 days 54 %
  UnionTrade 2% daily for 7 days,
2.5% daily for 14 days,
3.1% daily for 21 days,
3.8% daily for 28 days
0 34 days 34 %
  UnionTradeClub 2% each hour for 72 hours,
3% - 4% each hour for 48 hours
1 1 days 0 %
  Uniord Investments 1.6% daily 0 36 days 40 %
  Uniqe Fund 22.24% - 23.6% daily for 5 days,
124% - 130% after 8 days,
152% - 160% after 15 days
1 172 days 150 %
  Unique Pay 27.5% - 32.5% daily for 4 days,
120% - 140% after 5 days
1 9 days 17 %
  Unique Traders Group 6% daily for 35 trading days 0 57 days 111 %
  Uniroi Group Ltd. 101.5% - 110% after 1 day,
105% - 150% after 3 days,
111% - 250% after 7 days,
125% - 600% after 15 days
1 24 days 32 %
  Uniroyal Chemical 1% - 5% daily 0 271 days 68 %
  Unit Crowd 5.81% daily for 16 days 0 32 days 115.6 %
  Unit HYIP 20% daily for 8 days,
200% after 8 days
0 2 days 0 %
  Unit-Invest 120% - 150% after 1 day,
72% - 106% daily for 2 days
1 3 days 40 %
  Unite Trade 120% after 7 days,
150% after 15 days
1 209 days 576 %
  UniteProfit 20% daily for 6 days,
25% daily for 5 days
1 6 days 11 %
  United FX Trading Corp. 40% - 80% daily for 10 trading days 0 6 days 120 %
  United Gold Empire 14% - 16% daily for 200 trading days 0 29 days 294 %
  United Gold Project 250% - 1000% after 10 days 0 26 days 125 %
  United Micro Credit Org Ltd 2% - 3.5% daily for 78 trading days 1 152 days 99 %
  United-Banking Inc. 27% - 77% daily for 500 trading days 0 7 days 54 %
  United-Hyip 35% - 60% daily for 4 days,
200% - 400% after 4 days,
20% - 35% daily for 7 days,
250% - 450% after 7 days
1 3 days 70 %
  UnitedAMG 4% - 5% daily for 40 days 1 10 days 6 %
  Unitex-Trust 7% - 12% daily for 20 trading days 0 97 days 131 %
  Unity Petroleum 4% - 6% daily 3 752 days 154 %
  Universal CommercialGroup 2.5% - 2.7% weekly 0 55 days 12.6 %
  Universal Fund 200% - 210% after 1 day,
300% - 310% after 2 days
1 1 days 0 %
  Universal HYIP 150% - 580% after 1 day,
550% - 920% after 2 days,
900% - 1400% after 3 days
1 5 days 100 %
  Universe Investment 1.5% daily for 7 days,
1.8% daily for 15 days,
2.3% daily for 30 days,
300% after 30 days
1 59 days 124 %
  Unlimited Earn 6% - 8% daily for 20 trading days 1 810 days 644 %
  Unlimited Investment 104% - 130% after 1 day,
150% - 350% after 3 days,
360% - 620% after 12 days,
950% after 30 days
1 3 days 10 %
  Unlimited Wealth 102% - 112% after 1 day,
109% - 170% after 3 days,
135% - 420% after 7 days,
220% - 1200% after 15 days
1 34 days 58 %
  Unlimted Money 5% daily for 24 days 0 79 days 40 %
  UnoForex 8% daily for 15 trading days,
5% daily for 30 trading days,
4% daily for 50 trading days
1 67 days 62 %
  Unorex Trade Limited 1% daily for 10 trading days,
5% - 6% daily for 30 trading days
1 113 days 77 %
  Unrealine 120% - 150% after 1 day,
72% - 105% daily for 2 days
1 8 days 132 %
  UpMost Profit 6% - 7.5% monthly for 10 months 1 91 days 12 %
  UrbanHYIP 11% - 15% daily for 13 days 1 18 days 143 %
  Us Gold Inv 104% - 118% after 1 day,
114% - 138% after 2 days,
128% - 158% after 3 days
1 31 days 104 %
  Us-fx.com 2.2% - 3.8% daily for 30 days 1 38 days 8.8 %
  Usd Deposit 0.88% - 1% each hour for 120 hours,
3% - 5% each hour for 72 hours,
10% - 15% each hour for 24 hours
1 174 days 244 %
  Usdgene 13% daily for 12 days,
150% after 10 days
1 53 days 110.5 %
  Use Inter Tech 103% - 105% after 1 day,
115% - 125% after 3 days,
140% - 165% after 5 days,
185% - 200% after 7 days
1 5 days 12 %
  UsefulInvest 106% - 126% after 1 day,
118% - 170% after 2 days,
160% - 300% after 5 days,
280% - 550% after 10 days,
750% - 2000% after 30 days
1 4 days 22 %
  Usefulinvest 55% - 65% daily for 2 days,
500% - 700% after 1 day
1 16 days 0 %
  V-FBS 120% - 168% after 1 day 0 3 days 44 %
  V-HYIP 55% daily for 2 days,
130% after 2 days,
40% daily for 3 days,
140% after 3 days,
25% daily for 6 days
1 6 days 80 %
  V-Inv 104% - 130% after 1 day,
109% - 170% after 2 days,
114% - 210% after 3 days,
133% - 510% after 7 days,
5.5% each hour for 20 hours
1 20 days 81.4 %
  V-investment 1.5% daily for 100 days,
200% - 270% after 2 days,
280% - 300% after 3 days
1 51 days 146 %
  V-sion 2.5% daily for 55 days 1 35 days 6 %
  V.I.P.50 35% - 55% daily for 3 days,
150% - 200% after 3 days
1 11 days 45 %
  VAIO-Investment 2.5% - 4.5% each hour for 48 hours,
120% - 140% after 1 day,
145% - 165% after 2 days,
170% - 190% after 3 days,
220% - 240% after 5 days
1 2 days 20 %
  VAULT HYIP 1.5% - 3.5% daily for 300 days,
140% after 15 days
0 11 days 7.5 %
  VC Make Money 115% after 5 days,
135% after 10 days,
175% after 20 days
0 102 days 364 %
  VIP HOURLY CLUB 6% - 12% each hour for 24 hours,
4% - 7% each hour for 48 hours
1 1 days 0 %
  VIP Hourly Plan 102% - 160% after 1 hour 1 3 days 32 %
  VIP Invest Hyip 200% - 400% after 1 day,
400% - 600% after 2 days,
600% - 900% after 3 days
1 1 days 0 %
  VIP Money Bet 0% - 5% daily 0 290 days 221 %
  VIP Profit Club 17% daily for 300 trading days 0 87 days 1019 %
  VIP-FX 0.29% - 0.46% each hour for 600 hours,
250% - 350% after 15 days
0 9 days 103 %
  VIP-Miners 7% - 10% daily for 22 days,
260% after 20 days
0 14 days 151 %
  VIP-Shares 2% daily for 90 trading days,
2.5% daily for 120 trading days
1 33 days 44 %
  VISS Investments 1.4% daily for 30 days,
5.1% daily for 30 days,
1.9% daily
0 10 days 7 %
  VPM networks 2.22% daily for 150 days 0 149 days 111 %
  VPT Investments 6% daily for 25 days 0 53 days 54 %
  VTRiNVEST 6% - 13% daily for 30 days,
200% monthly
1 36 days 120 %
  VXprofit 102% - 120% after 1 day,
107% - 180% after 3 days,
118% - 300% after 7 days,
145% - 670% after 15 days,
185% - 900% after 30 days
1 71 days 170 %
  VakFund 101% after 1 day,
150% after 5 days,
250% after 10 days
0 308 days 285 %
  Valas Invest 120% - 240% after 1 day,
280% - 480% after 2 days,
500% - 800% after 3 days
1 3 days 60 %
  ValeInvest 200% - 500% after 1 day,
6% - 10% each hour for 24 hours
0 9 days 188 %
  Valentine HYIP 125% - 250% after 1 day,
200% - 450% after 2 days
1 4 days 50 %
  Valex Union Ltd 2% daily for 20 days,
2.9% daily for 35 days,
3.6% daily for 70 days,
4.7% daily for 100 days
3 27 days 44 %
  VallDay 2.1% weekly for 100 weeks 1 57 days 12 %
  Vallday 2% weekly 1 16 days 1 %
  Valuda Trade Limited 2% daily for 10 days,
2.5% daily for 15 days,
3% daily for 20 days,
3.5% daily for 30 days
1 26 days 14 %
  Value Partners Online 26% daily for 5 days,
136% after 5 days,
55% daily for 2 days,
130% after 1 day
1 8 days 91 %
  Vaneax 0.5% - 0.7% daily for 180 days,
1% - 1.7% daily for 300 days
0 73 days 52 %
  Vanguard Interest 8% - 11% daily for 15 trading days 1 38 days 32 %
  Vantre Finance, Ltd. 2.4% - 3.1% daily for 65 days 1 24 days 46 %
  Vario Funds, LTD. 2.3% - 3% daily for 75 days 1 22 days 43 %
  Varma Fund 101% - 130% after 1 day,
140% - 450% after 3 days,
580% - 650% after 5 days
0 53 days 48 %
  Varo Investment 4.3% each hour for 24 hours,
105% after 1 day,
130% after 5 days,
170% after 10 days
1 4 days 3.2 %
  Vasco Forex 1.35% - 2.5% daily for 200 trading days 0 119 days 60 %
  Vast Benefit 12% - 16% daily for 10 trading days 1 75 days 132 %
  Vast-Fund 120% - 140% after 1 day 1 1 days 0 %
  Vast-Profit 17% - 21% daily for 7 days,
125% - 160% after 7 days
1 24 days 18 %
  Vastinvestment 120% after 1 day,
140% - 160% after 2 days,
170% - 200% after 3 days
1 4 days 0 %
  Vault Forex 2.6% - 3% daily for 15 days 1 19 days 39 %
  Vbotrade Inc 11.2% - 14% daily for 10 days,
6.6% - 11% daily for 20 days,
7% - 12% daily for 30 days,
140% - 180% after 10 days
1 338 days 80 %
  VcInvestGroup 104% after 1 day,
110% after 2 days,
115% after 3 days,
127% - 130% after 5 days,
160% - 165% after 10 days
1 68 days 248 %
  Vegila Investment 103% - 120% after 1 day,
116% - 180% after 4 days
0 58 days 162 %
  Velleris 2.3% daily for 3 days 1 14 days 8 %
  VentraViaOil 104% - 125% after 1 day,
55% - 70% daily for 2 days,
130% - 300% after 5 days,
180% - 475% after 10 days
1 12 days 20 %
  Ventur Invest 6% - 8% daily for 20 trading days,
130% - 170% after 20 days
1 37 days 35 %
  Venture Capital Express 1% - 1.5% daily for 150 trading days,
1.7% - 2.2% daily for 180 trading days
0 143 days 25 %
  Venture Gold Alliance 35% - 75% daily for 800 trading days 0 15 days 35 %
  Venture cash 30% daily for 5 days 0 11 days 105 %
  Venture-Profit 30% - 40% daily for 5 days,
180% - 220% after 5 days,
110% after 1 day
1 6 days 90 %
  VentureWealth 1.5% daily for 20 days,
2% daily for 40 days,
2.5% daily for 80 days,
3% daily for 100 days
1 23 days 28 %
  Venus-HYIP 120% - 150% after 1 day,
150% - 180% after 2 days,
180% - 220% after 3 days
1 7 days 20 %
  Veoris Dividends 1.8% daily for 30 trading days,
2.4% daily for 120 trading days,
2.9% daily for 90 trading days
0 8 days 4 %
  VeriFixed 0.8% daily for 5 days 1 165 days 127 %
  Veria-Finance 62% - 90% daily for 2 days,
45% - 70% daily for 3 days,
110% - 135% after 1 day
1 5 days 130 %
  Verifield 103% after 3 days,
139% after 30 days,
196% after 60 days,
208% after 60 days
0 618 days 312 %
  Veritas Funds 1.4% daily for 7 days,
1.5% daily for 14 days,
1.6% daily for 21 days,
1.7% daily for 28 days
0 51 days 78 %
  Verity HYIP ROUND 15 2.5% - 2.7% every 2 hours for 120 hours,
2.3% - 2.4% every 2 hours for 144 hours,
2.1% - 2.2% every 2 hours for 168 hours
0 4 days 81 %
  Verity Invest Limited 101% - 140% after 1 day,
106% - 420% after 5 days,
113% - 1050% after 10 days,
125% - 2000% after 15 days
1 488 days 234 %
  Vernal HYIP 8.5% - 9% each hour for 12 hours,
110% - 120% after 1 day,
65% - 75% daily for 2 days
1 4 days 30 %
  Verolla 5% weekly 0 177 days 120 %
  Vertex Investments 2.1% - 3.4% daily for 180 days 0 4 days 0 %
  Verville Capital 107% after 1 day,
112% after 2 days,
120% after 3 days
0 24 days 84 %
  VeryExport 4% - 8% daily for 365 days,
10% - 15% daily for 15 days,
130% - 150% after 1 day,
350% after 2 days
1 20 days 35 %
  Vesco-Fund 104% - 109% after 1 day,
115% - 122% after 3 days,
170% - 260% after 10 days,
300% - 620% after 15 days
1 1 days 0 %
  Vested Investment 103% after 2 days,
105% after 3 days,
107% after 4 days,
110% after 5 days,
1.5% daily for 50 trading days
0 17 days 16.5 %
  Vetori Inc. 7% weekly for 7 weeks,
10% weekly for 10 weeks,
13% weekly for 13 weeks
1 32 days 20 %
  Vexa Money 105% - 115% after 1 day,
116% - 155% after 3 days,
142% - 275% after 7 days,
167% - 430% after 10 days,
206% - 750% after 14 days
1 20 days 87 %
  Vexcor INC. 102.3% - 104.4% after 1 day,
2.6% - 4.6% daily for 15 days,
2.9% - 4.9% daily for 30 days,
4.6% - 6.4% daily for 75 days,
7.7% - 8.8% daily for 120 days
0 36 days 24.2 %
  View4Pros 45% daily for 3 days,
25% daily for 7 days,
15% daily for 15 days
0 6 days 90 %
  Viking Group 18% daily for 10 days,
190% after 10 days,
250% - 280% after 15 days
0 9 days 90 %
  Vikit.net 1000% after 10 days,
1000% after 8 days,
1000% after 6 days,
1000% after 4 days
0 2 days 0 %
  VinaProfit 125% - 140% after 1 day,
160% - 190% after 2 days,
5% each hour for 24 hours
1 1 days 0 %
  Vinko Trade Inc. 105% - 118% after 1 day,
120% - 165% after 3 days,
140% - 215% after 5 days,
200% - 365% after 10 days
1 16 days 41.2 %
  Vintech 1% daily for 50 trading days,
1.4% - 2% daily for 150 trading days
0 100 days 33 %
  Vip Hourly 1.5% each hour for 72 hours,
1% daily for 120 days,
0.8% daily for 168 days,
0.22% - 0.25% daily for 720 days
1 22 days 32 %
  Vip Rate Investment 115% after 7 days,
144% after 15 days
1 165 days 324 %
  VipFund.biz 105% - 200% after 1 day 0 3 days 52.5 %
  VipHourlyInvest 5.3% - 8.4% each hour for 24 hours,
4% each hour for 48 hours,
140% - 175% after 1 day,
200% after 2 days
1 14 days 360 %
  Vipgain.info 130% - 140% after 1 day,
165% - 180% after 2 days,
210% - 235% after 3 days,
260% - 290% after 4 days,
310% - 350% after 5 days
1 5 days 60 %
  Vipinvest 2.1% daily for 8 days 1 33 days 58 %
  Virgin Company 1.07% daily for 15 trading days,
1.63% daily for 30 trading days,
2.12% daily for 45 trading days,
2.63% daily for 60 trading days
0 59 days 45 %
  Visimi Finance 2.1% daily for 7 days,
2.4% daily for 15 days,
2.9% daily for 30 days,
3200% after 60 days
1 205 days 141 %
  Vista HYIP 25% - 25.8% daily for 5 days,
17.12% - 17.5% daily for 10 days
1 14 days 85.6 %
  Vista Pro Life 2.5% - 3% daily for 60 trading days 1 43 days 25 %
  Vista-HYIP 160% - 200% after 1 day,
320% - 400% after 2 days
1 4 days 60 %
  Visual-Hyip 160% - 165% after 1 day,
222% - 232% after 2 days,
284% - 304% after 4 days,
70% - 75% daily for 4 days
1 5 days 35 %
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   DISCLAIMER: We do not promote any programs. The information is based on personal experience and statistics, we do not guarantee its accuracy. All HYIPs investments presuppose high risks. Past Performance of any of programs is no guarantee for the same or similar future performance. Do not spend what you cannot afford to lose.

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