February 09, 2025

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Statistics of the close and not paying programs
NamePayoutsType of the scriptLifetimePayout
  Box Income 36% daily for 3 days,
110% after 3 days,
122% after 6 days,
152% after 12 days,
170% after 15 days
1 32 days 81 %
  Brand Daily 120% after 7 days,
150% after 15 days
1 253 days 664 %
  Brand Destiny Ltd. 1.2% daily for 15 trading days,
1.5% daily for 30 trading days,
1.8% daily for 45 trading days,
2.1% daily for 60 trading days
1 249 days 49 %
  Brand Earn 150% - 500% after 1 day,
250% - 500% after 2 days
1 12 days 531.1 %
  Brand HYIP 130% - 500% after 1 day,
360% - 760% after 2 days,
700% - 1200% after 3 days,
1000% - 1600% after 4 days
1 3 days 60 %
  Brason Investment 1.67% daily for 10 days,
2.27% daily for 20 days,
2.98% daily for 35 days,
3.39% daily for 50 days
1 395 days 73 %
  BreezeHYIP 25% daily for 6 days,
160% after 4 days,
250% after 8 days
1 6 days 25 %
  Brick Community 102% - 120% after 1 day,
112% - 300% after 3 days,
135% - 800% after 7 days,
185% - 1600% after 12 days
1 35 days 64 %
  Brics Capital 55% - 60% daily for 2 days 0 8 days 25 %
  Brics Forex 1.6% - 2.4% daily for 180 days 1 384 days 284.8 %
  Bridgesky Assets Limited 102.4% - 125% after 1 day,
110% - 225% after 3 days,
130% - 465% after 7 days,
595% - 1085% after 15 days
1 88 days 207 %
  BrightProfit 130% - 150% after 1 day,
180% - 200% after 2 days,
300% after 1 day
1 5 days 60 %
  Brightmore Global ... 2.2% - 3.4% daily for 100 trading days 0 17 days 17.6 %
  Brighton Investments LTD 25.25% - 40% each hour for 4 hours,
5.25% - 20% each hour for 20 hours,
1.2% - 10% each hour for 100 hours,
0.5% - 5% each hour for 500 hours
1 1 days 2 %
  Brilliants Investment 107% - 122% after 1 day,
122% - 170% after 3 days,
150% - 250% after 7 days,
220% - 515% after 15 days,
1000% - 1122% after 30 days
1 16 days 98 %
  Brillo Trade 112% after 7 days,
139% after 14 days,
163% after 21 days
0 3 days 0 %
  Bringing Back HYIP 4.5% - 5% each hour for 24 hours,
115% - 135% after 1 day,
140% - 160% after 2 days,
170% - 200% after 3 days
1 3 days 15 %
  Brino GMBH 0.7% - 2.4% daily 0 50 days 24 %
  Brisk-Invest 35% each hour for 3 hours,
115% after 1 day,
40% - 45% daily for 3 days,
22% - 24% daily for 7 days,
150% - 170% after 5 days
1 16 days 58.4 %
  British FX Funds Ltd 0.5% daily for 500 trading days,
2% - 3% daily for 90 trading days,
5% - 6% daily for 35 trading days,
10% - 12% daily for 18 trading days
1 127 days 45 %
  British Finance Group 110% after 10 days,
125% after 20 days,
150% after 30 days,
190% after 45 days
0 25 days 12 %
  British Finance Group 1.4% daily for 30 days,
1.6% daily for 60 days,
1.8% daily for 90 days
1 1 days 0 %
  British HYIP 190% - 220% after 1 day,
400% - 440% after 2 days,
560% - 600% after 3 days,
800% - 840% after 4 days,
1000% - 1050% after 5 days
1 1 days 0 %
  British-Forex 7% daily for 20 days,
110% after 5 days
1 8 days 6 %
  Brixor Finance 0.5% daily for 3 days 1 183 days 91 %
  BroFund 11% daily for 12 days,
140% after 12 days
0 15 days 32 %
  Broker Pub 110% - 140% after 4 days,
30% daily for 4 days
0 99 days 230 %
  Brokers Incorporated 103% - 130% after 1 day,
111% - 150% after 3 days,
125% - 300% after 5 days,
160% - 450% after 10 days,
300% - 1000% after 20 days
1 32 days 51 %
  Brothers-Fund 55% daily for 4 days 1 1 days 0 %
  Brows&CO Corp 0.1% - 1.1% daily 0 51 days 27 %
  BsHYIP 130% - 170% after 1 day,
5.2% - 6% each hour for 24 hours,
3% - 3.7% each hour for 48 hours
1 4 days 60 %
  Btc Inv Groups 110% - 130% after 30 days,
108% - 110% after 7 days,
105% - 107% after 3 days
1 1,363 days 436 %
  BtcBuzz 8% - 12% daily 1 7 days 24 %
  BtcPaying 1.08% - 1.4% each hour for 96 hours,
101.5% - 110% after 1 day,
106% - 140% after 3 days,
4.5% - 6.5% each hour for 24 hours
1 32 days 57 %
  Buhat Fund 101% - 150% after 1 day,
150% - 250% after 2 days,
160% - 350% after 5 days
0 141 days 137 %
  BuildProfit.net 120% - 130% after 1 day,
145% - 165% after 2 days,
180% - 220% after 3 days
1 1 days 0 %
  Buk Invest 105% - 135% after 1 day,
56% - 75% daily for 2 days,
113% - 175% after 2 days,
400% - 500% after 7 days,
1000% - 1100% after 15 days
1 32 days 213.5 %
  Bukmeker.biz 1% daily,
2% daily for 260 trading days
1 71 days 46 %
  BulgeInvest 9% daily for 15 days 1 13 days 18 %
  Bull Range Ltd. 12% - 18% daily for 20 trading days,
25% daily for 15 trading days
0 31 days 180 %
  Bullinvestment 25% - 55% daily for 6 days,
180% - 600% after 6 days
1 6 days 125 %
  Bullion-Invest 17.5% daily for 10 days,
145% after 5 days
0 20 days 148.8 %
  BullishHYIP 120% - 130% after 1 day,
145% - 165% after 2 days,
180% - 220% after 3 days
1 1 days 0 %
  Bulow Funds 2.2% - 3.2% daily for 15 days 1 171 days 376.1 %
  Business For Forex 120% - 150% after 1 day,
300% after 7 days
1 3 days 20 %
  Business Fruition Club 35% - 85% daily for 5 days 0 17 days 150 %
  Business Goals 54% - 59% daily for 2 days 1 15 days 47 %
  Business Hourly 102% - 135% after 1 hour 1 8 days 48 %
  Business Inv 105% - 130% after 1 day,
116% - 210% after 3 days,
140% - 500% after 7 days,
300% - 1100% after 15 days,
1500% - 7000% after 80 days
1 33 days 125 %
  Business Investment Inc. 10% - 15% daily for 15 days,
115% - 125% after 1 day
1 29 days 332.4 %
  Business Level.biz 20% - 25% daily for 7 days,
120% - 125% after 1 day,
160% - 200% after 2 days,
260% - 300% after 3 days,
360% - 400% after 4 days
1 21 days 393.8 %
  Business Style Inc. 2.25% - 4% daily for 50 days,
16.5% - 29% weekly for 7 weeks,
58% - 105% monthly for 2 months
1 2 days 0 %
  Business Succeeded Co 26.8% - 34.83% daily for 4 days,
200% after 8 days
0 90 days 173 %
  Business Trade Group 12% daily for 9 days,
14% - 16% daily for 8 days
1 13 days 11 %
  Business-HYIP 5.2% - 6.3% each hour for 24 hours,
3% - 3.7% each hour for 48 hours,
130% - 180% after 1 day,
150% - 210% after 2 days
1 6 days 120 %
  Business4Pro 25% daily for 6 days,
160% after 5 days
1 2 days 0 %
  Businez Trade 109% - 120% after 3 days 0 88 days 216 %
  Bussines Solution-ltd 125% - 145% after 1 day,
155% - 175% after 2 days,
400% after 4 days,
20% each hour for 6 hours
1 6 days 75 %
  BustaBank 1.4% daily for 30 trading days,
1.6% daily for 45 trading days,
1.8% daily for 90 trading days,
2.5% daily for 120 trading days
1 38 days 31 %
  Butter Invest 107% - 900% after 1 day,
115% - 1500% after 2 days,
125% - 2000% after 3 days
1 5 days 21 %
  Bwingold 7.3% - 7.4% daily for 15 days,
4.2% - 4.3% daily for 30 days,
3.2% - 3.3% daily for 45 days,
2.8% - 2.9% daily for 60 days
1 46 days 42 %
  C-7 1% - 1.25% daily for 85 trading days,
3% daily for 60 trading days,
6% weekly for 17 weeks,
30% monthly for 4 months
1 543 days 265 %
  C-Investment 2% - 2.2% daily for 365 days,
16% - 17% weekly for 51 weeks,
110% - 130% monthly
1 186 days 48.3 %
  CANNEX Invest 105% - 120% after 1 day,
40% - 60% daily for 3 days,
200% - 400% after 7 days
1 4 days 80 %
  CAPITALIZE-Fund 1% - 1.5% daily for 14 days,
1.9% - 3% daily for 30 days,
1.9% - 3.3% daily for 120 days
0 65 days 42 %
  CAPITALLER 5% - 6% daily for 200 trading days,
3500% after 90 days
0 70 days 230 %
  CBC Investment 2.4% - 3.5% daily for 90 days,
3.2% - 4% daily for 365 days
1 77 days 223 %
  CCP Trust Premier 0.4% daily for 25 days,
0.7% daily for 60 days,
1% daily for 80 days
0 269 days 10 %
  CENTASIA Development 5.27% daily for 21 days,
3.97% - 4.18% daily for 35 days,
22% - 26% weekly for 10 weeks
0 363 days 99.3 %
  CFD Market 1% - 1.5% daily for 100 days,
2% daily,
100.8% after 1 day
1 47 days 42 %
  CFH 102% - 140% after 1 hour 1 11 days 68 %
  CIC Trade 105% - 125% after 1 day,
127% - 252% after 5 days,
172% - 757% after 15 days,
403% - 1825% after 30 days
1 1 days 0 %
  CIS FOREX 2% - 3% daily for 45 days 0 8 days 10 %
  CITYLINE Investments 5% daily for 30 days 0 21 days 75 %
  CKL Capital 0.32% - 0.56% daily for 30 days,
0.4% - 0.7% daily for 45 days,
0.48% - 0.84% daily for 60 days,
0.52% - 0.91% daily for 90 days
3 41 days 14 %
  CLARINTON Trading 103% after 3 days,
126% after 20 days,
190% after 50 days
0 221 days 258 %
  CM Investment 2% - 3% daily for 80 trading days 0 10 days 4 %
  CMDTrades Limited 2.1% daily for 50 days 1 10 days 12 %
  CME Trades Limited 2.1% daily for 20 days,
2.3% daily for 35 days,
3.3% daily for 55 days,
655% after 25 days
1 563 days 1251 %
  CMS Financial Group 12% daily for 300 trading days 0 28 days 168 %
  CNEnergy Limited 2.2% daily for 55 days 1 11 days 13 %
  CNPI 1% - 3% daily for 15 days 0 63 days 37 %
  COMEX Brokerage Limited 1.8% - 2.2% daily for 160 trading days 1 523 days 579 %
  CRPcurrency 104% - 162% after 1 day,
124% - 450% after 5 days,
155% - 1000% after 10 days,
15000% after 90 days
1 88 days 39 %
  CSM Finance Group Ltd. 1.7% - 2.1% daily for 200 days 0 473 days 254 %
  CT Bank Ltd 15% - 30% weekly 1 29 days 41 %
  Cache-Gold 5% - 6.2% each hour for 24 hours,
125% - 160% after 1 day
1 1 days 20 %
  Cadillac Venture 52.5% - 57.5% daily for 2 days,
3.5% - 8.5% daily for 20 days
1 78 days 245 %
  Calcuvis Biz 102% after 1 day,
112% after 5 days,
121% after 9 days,
200% after 30 days
1 12 days 18 %
  Cali Trade 1.05% - 3% daily for 90 trading days,
140% - 230% after 3 days,
280% - 500% after 5 days,
600% - 1500% after 7 days
1 7 days 2 %
  California River 1.6% - 2.7% daily for 90 days 0 17 days 12.8 %
  CalsoInv 2.5% daily for 52 days 0 14 days 5 %
  Cambridge Invest Group 0.8% daily for 5 days,
1% daily for 10 days,
1.2% daily for 15 days,
1.5% daily for 20 days,
3% daily for 30 days
1 42 days 52 %
  Canadian Crude 3.2% - 3.4% daily for 3 days,
110% - 150% after 5 days
1 52 days 157.5 %
  Canadian-FX 1.1% - 1.55% daily for 75 days 1 17 days 12 %
  Capd-Investment 30% daily for 4 days,
150% after 7 days,
200% after 10 days
0 13 days 60 %
  Capital A Limited 110% after 7 days,
5% daily for 30 days
0 39 days 23 %
  Capital Corpex 2% daily for 90 trading days 0 121 days 154 %
  Capital GOLD 5% daily for 40 trading days 0 93 days 162.5 %
  Capital Gains 12% daily for 10 days,
120% after 8 days,
120% after 1 day
0 8 days 60 %
  Capital Invest Europe LTD 12% daily for 14 days,
25% daily for 30 days,
2000% after 14 days,
4500% after 30 days
1 4 days 4 %
  Capital Invest Group 105% - 120% after 1 day,
116% - 170% after 3 days,
136% - 250% after 6 days,
200% - 680% after 15 days,
9750% after 60 days
1 7 days 20 %
  Capital Invest LTD 60% - 80% daily for 2 days,
180% after 1 day
1 5 days 50 %
  Capital Investment Bank 250% - 1000% after 7 days 0 19 days 300 %
  Capital Investment City 2.5% - 5% daily for 60 days 1 25 days 54 %
  Capital Management ... 5% daily for 30 days,
110% after 7 days
1 34 days 15 %
  Capital Managing 1.7% - 2.3% daily for 180 trading days,
9.7% - 10.1% weekly for 52 weeks,
39.9% monthly for 14 months
0 79 days 64.6 %
  Capital Primex Ltd 1.5% - 1.9% daily for 25 days,
1.7% - 2.1% daily for 45 days,
130% - 150% after 15 days
1 14 days 20 %
  Capital Priority 2% - 3% daily for 10 days,
3% - 4% daily for 20 days,
4% - 5% daily for 30 days
1 46 days 168 %
  Capital Project Biz 102% - 125% after 1 day,
115% - 190% after 3 days,
136% - 310% after 6 days,
184% - 750% after 12 days
1 5 days 2 %
  Capital Trade Corp. 450% after 7 days,
1000% after 15 days,
3000% after 30 days
0 11 days 0 %
  Capital Turnover 26.25% - 30% daily for 4 days,
120% - 135% after 7 days
1 41 days 47.5 %
  CapitalFlus 1.4% daily for 20 days,
2% daily for 30 days,
3% daily for 60 days
1 22 days 24 %
  CapitalOutfit 57% - 75% daily for 2 days,
22% - 50% daily for 7 days,
350% - 700% after 15 days,
900% - 1800% after 30 days
1 6 days 7 %
  Capitalist Assets 1% - 5% daily for 45 days 1 176 days 173 %
  Capitalizer.net 5% - 7% daily for 40 trading days 0 71 days 185 %
  Capitaller 3% - 4% daily for 70 trading days 0 127 days 167 %
  Capitolia Profit Center 35% - 85% daily for 5 trading days 0 68 days 710 %
  Captain Profits 7% - 8% each hour for 15 hours 1 4 days 15 %
  Captains Fund Inc. 0.5% daily for 30 days,
0.6% daily for 45 days,
0.7% daily for 60 days,
0.8% daily for 90 days
1 89 days 38 %
  Car Ltd. 1% - 1.1% daily for 30 days,
1.1% - 1.2% daily for 60 days,
1.2% - 1.3% daily for 90 days,
1.3% - 1.4% daily for 120 days
1 57 days 53 %
  Car Rental Invest 1% daily for 25 days,
1.35% daily for 35 days,
1.7% daily for 50 days,
2.5% daily for 65 days
0 34 days 1 %
  Car-Investment 105% - 128% after 1 day,
128% - 240% after 5 days,
165% - 500% after 10 days,
200% - 800% after 15 days
1 29 days 135 %
  Carbon77 2.17% daily for 7 days,
2.77% daily for 14 days,
7.77% daily for 7 days
1 60 days 30 %
  Carda Evolution 102% - 130% after 1 day,
115% - 190% after 5 days,
125% - 350% after 10 days,
150% - 600% after 15 days
1 30 days 9 %
  Cardano Pays Limited 20.4% - 25% each hour for 5 hours,
7.1% - 10% each hour for 15 hours,
165% - 350% after 3 days,
765% - 1450% after 15 days
1 4 days 25.5 %
  Caribbean Dream 1% - 1.75% daily 0 322 days 252 %
  Carnaby Group 0.9% - 2.2% daily for 240 days,
9% - 22% weekly for 32 weeks,
45% - 105% monthly for 8 months
1 94 days 91.5 %
  Carnarvon Investment 110% - 125% after 3 days 0 30 days 90 %
  Carno Fund 1% - 2.6% daily for 160 trading days 0 22 days 16.9 %
  Casco Funds 1.6% - 2.4% daily for 150 trading days,
9% - 13% weekly for 30 weeks
1 45 days 48 %
  Cash Dispenser.biz 1.5% daily for 90 days,
1.7% daily for 120 days,
2% daily for 150 days
0 13 days 15 %
  Cash Fine 1.5% - 2% daily for 20 days 1 9 days 7 %
  Cash Flow Plaza 105% - 130% after 1 day,
116% - 230% after 3 days,
160% - 720% after 10 days,
500% - 2000% after 25 days,
6.6% each hour for 16 hours
1 9 days 30 %
  Cash For Profit.us 120% after 1 day,
38% - 46% daily for 3 days,
30% - 40% daily for 5 days
1 4 days 10 %
  Cash INV 8% each hour for 13 hours,
10% each hour for 11 hours,
17% each hour for 7 hours,
34% each hour for 4 hours
1 1 days 4 %
  Cash Inside 114% after 3 days,
145% after 7 days,
198% after 14 days
1 10 days 28 %
  Cash Nine 110% - 125% after 2 days 0 102 days 335 %
  Cash Off Cash 2% daily for 75 days 1 36 days 40 %
  Cash Office.biz 10% - 15% daily for 12 days 1 9 days 10 %
  Cash Rainy 105% - 120% after 1 day,
150% - 300% after 5 days,
260% - 750% after 10 days,
104% after 1 hour
1 7 days 28.8 %
  Cash Station 2% - 4.4% daily for 60 days 0 18 days 15.7 %
  Cash Sunami 104% - 108% after 1 day,
112% - 121% after 2 days,
155% - 193% after 7 days
1 12 days 40 %
  Cash-Browser 5% each hour for 21 hours,
55% - 80% daily for 2 days,
700% - 800% after 30 days
1 12 days 55 %
  Cash-Byte 102% - 110% after 1 day,
108% - 135% after 3 days,
121% - 190% after 7 days
1 28 days 50 %
  Cash-Miner 8% - 10% weekly 0 88 days 91 %
  Cash-World.biz 108% - 112% after 1 day,
130% - 145% after 3 days,
180% - 200% after 5 days
1 3 days 8 %
  CashATM 106% - 128% after 1 day,
125% - 158% after 3 days,
148% - 188% after 5 days,
180% - 488% after 10 days,
688% - 1888% after 30 days
1 21 days 108 %
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   DISCLAIMER: We do not promote any programs. The information is based on personal experience and statistics, we do not guarantee its accuracy. All HYIPs investments presuppose high risks. Past Performance of any of programs is no guarantee for the same or similar future performance. Do not spend what you cannot afford to lose.

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