February 09, 2025

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Statistics of the close and not paying programs
NamePayoutsType of the scriptLifetimePayout
  CashBuzz 103% after 1 day,
110% after 3 days,
125% after 7 days,
140% after 10 days
1 13 days 36 %
  CashForInvest 150% - 180% after 1 day,
260% - 300% after 3 days
1 2 days 60 %
  CashHourly.info 102% - 129% after 1 hour 1 16 days 102 %
  CashInHand 102% after 1 day,
107% after 3 days,
116% after 6 days,
136% after 12 days
1 87 days 156 %
  CashInv 16% - 20% daily for 7 days,
120% - 148% after 7 days
1 38 days 144 %
  CashInvest 105% - 120% after 1 day,
125% - 180% after 3 days,
190% - 320% after 7 days,
400% - 780% after 15 days
1 8 days 28 %
  CashLeader Invest Limited 2% daily for 75 days,
3% daily for 50 days
1 28 days 14 %
  CashOnlineHYIP 110% - 150% after 1 day,
60% - 70% daily for 2 days,
300% after 4 days
1 3 days 10 %
  CashSprintGroup 105% after 1 day,
3.25% each hour for 36 hours,
120% after 2 days,
2% each hour for 72 hours
0 5 days 10 %
  CashStarNet 105% - 120% after 1 day,
111% - 145% after 2 days,
118% - 170% after 3 days,
205% - 580% after 15 days,
4.4% - 5.2% each hour for 24 hours
1 1 days 0 %
  Cashrite Investment 105% - 120% after 1 day,
130% - 185% after 4 days
0 8 days 0 %
  Cashzone-inv 125% after 1 day,
180% after 3 days,
250% after 5 days
1 6 days 50 %
  Casio HYIP 150% - 170% after 1 day,
200% - 220% after 2 days,
250% - 270% after 3 days
1 7 days 150 %
  Casio Invest 5% - 25% each hour for 24 hours,
300% after 1 day
0 23 days 460 %
  CasoInvest 12% - 15% daily for 10 days,
130% - 160% after 10 days
1 37 days 30 %
  Caspian Funds 1.8% - 2.6% daily for 120 days 1 175 days 200 %
  Casta Investment Group 103% after 1 day,
112% after 3 days,
120% after 5 days
1 5 days 6 %
  Castle Investment Ltd 6% daily for 25 days,
0.5% each hour for 250 hours
1 28 days 50 %
  Catena Finance 2% daily for 260 trading days,
11% weekly for 55 weeks
1 190 days 262 %
  Cavaxo 7% daily for 22 days 0 21 days 42 %
  Caviar 6.23% daily for 30 days 0 22 days 64 %
  Cayman-Gold Investments 3% - 7% daily for 500 trading days,
300% - 500% after 20 days
0 372 days 687 %
  Cbank.cc 2.5% - 3% daily for 90 days,
900% after 90 days,
7% daily for 30 days
1 305 days 240 %
  Cedex Investment 2.4% - 3.2% daily for 62 days 1 151 days 295 %
  Celicafinance 101% - 120% after 1 day,
150% - 200% after 3 days,
160% - 350% after 5 days
0 173 days 162 %
  Celican.org 1000% after 30 days 1 1 days 0 %
  Center Fund.net 110% after 5 days,
130% after 10 days,
150% after 15 days
0 2 days 0 %
  Center-Invest 10% - 20% daily for 25 days 0 1 days 0 %
  CentoInvestment 101% - 150% after 1 day,
150% - 250% after 3 days,
200% - 400% after 5 days
0 215 days 199 %
  Centre Invest Group 0.95% daily for 50 days,
1.15% daily for 35 days,
1.5% daily for 20 days
1 82 days 40 %
  Centurion Assets 1.7% - 2.3% daily for 30 trading days 0 49 days 75 %
  Certain Investment 2% - 3% daily for 30 days 1 206 days 286 %
  Certainvest 16% - 20% daily for 7 days 1 80 days 148 %
  Cetinamaz 200% - 300% after 3 days 0 10 days 200 %
  Chain Group Service 0.1% - 3% daily for 250 days,
0.1% - 6% daily for 180 days,
0.1% - 1.7% daily for 300 days,
0.2% daily for 500 days
0 146 days 357 %
  Challenge Investment 2% - 12% daily for 90 days,
1500% - 3000% after 2 days,
2500% - 5000% after 1 day
1 39 days 68 %
  Champions League 0.05% each hour,
1.04% each hour for 100 hours,
21% daily for 5 days,
2.5% each hour for 50 hours
1 206 days 2 %
  Chamzy Wallet 6% - 8% weekly for 6 weeks 1 15 days 6 %
  Chance HYIP 170% - 370% after 1 day,
700% - 2700% after 3 days
1 6 days 331.8 %
  Changer Investment 2.5% - 5.5% daily for 100 trading days 0 44 days 104 %
  Charge Invest 1% daily for 30 days,
1.2% daily for 60 days,
1.5% daily for 90 days
1 52 days 31 %
  Charit Masses 2.2% - 5% daily for 1,825 days,
106% - 130% after 1 day,
160% - 210% after 3 days,
50% - 60% weekly for 15 weeks,
280% - 300% after 5 days
1 87 days 144 %
  ChatHYIP 125% - 145% after 1 day,
170% - 190% after 2 days,
200% - 250% after 1 day
1 1 days 0 %
  CheerHYIP 120% - 125% after 1 day,
150% - 160% after 2 days,
180% - 200% after 3 days
1 5 days 60 %
  Cheers-Profits 40% - 50% daily for 4 days,
140% - 160% after 2 days,
160% - 180% after 3 days
1 3 days 16.7 %
  Chelsea-Inv 120% - 150% after 1 day,
150% - 220% after 2 days,
180% - 320% after 3 days
1 6 days 80 %
  ChemExInvest 40% - 50% daily for 3 days 0 14 days 106.7 %
  CherryShares 5.8% - 9.9% weekly,
1.1% daily for 315 days
0 828 days 234 %
  Chess-Fund 115% - 130% after 1 day,
130% - 150% after 2 days,
150% - 170% after 3 days
1 1 days 0 %
  Chess-HYIP 5% - 7% each hour for 24 hours,
130% - 150% after 1 day,
170% - 210% after 2 days
1 9 days 127.1 %
  Chester Gold 30% daily for 5 days 0 13 days 120 %
  Chevron Funds Limited 2% - 3% daily for 90 trading days,
5% - 6% daily for 45 trading days,
9% - 10% daily for 20 trading days,
400% after 35 days
1 73 days 44 %
  Childhoodaim 150% - 450% after 1 day,
450% - 750% after 2 days,
700% - 1000% after 3 days
1 6 days 250 %
  Chilton Funds 4% - 8% daily for 30 days 1 122 days 148 %
  ChokoBank 103% - 130% after 1 day,
110% - 200% after 3 days,
117% - 275% after 5 days,
125% - 370% after 7 days
1 28 days 81 %
  ChokoPower 105% - 130% after 1 day,
116% - 200% after 3 days,
127% - 275% after 5 days,
139% - 370% after 7 days,
185% - 700% after 15 days
1 23 days 105 %
  Chrisprofit 38% - 40% daily for 3 days,
32% - 34% daily for 4 days,
142% - 145% after 5 days,
180% - 185% after 7 days,
200% - 210% after 10 days
1 18 days 22.4 %
  Christmas Plan.net 1.5% - 2.5% daily for 365 days,
105% - 135% after 1 day,
120% - 250% after 3 days
1 8 days 18.6 %
  Christmas Profit 110% - 120% after 1 day,
40% - 50% daily for 3 days,
180% - 190% after 3 days,
300% - 400% after 7 days
1 20 days 180 %
  ChristmasHYIP 25% - 29% daily for 5 days,
130% - 150% after 5 days
1 11 days 83.3 %
  ChristmasInv 105% - 127% after 1 day,
116% - 220% after 3 days,
128% - 300% after 5 days,
145% - 500% after 8 days,
200% - 1300% after 16 days
1 26 days 115 %
  Ciniti RFX 4% daily for 30 days,
152% after 4 days,
239% after 9 days,
755% after 21 days
1 5 days 1.3 %
  Cioe Fund 4.6% each hour for 24 hours,
115% - 130% after 1 day,
125% - 140% after 2 days,
140% - 160% after 3 days,
1% - 4% daily for 365 days
1 17 days 240 %
  Cis Profit 5.5% - 8% daily for 25 trading days 0 27 days 20 %
  Citadel Profit 62% - 67% daily for 2 days 0 6 days 62 %
  Citro Trade 1.8% - 2.4% daily for 180 days 1 149 days 192.3 %
  City Finance Limited 102.5% - 125% after 1 day,
108% - 185% after 3 days,
121% - 300% after 7 days,
160% - 600% after 15 days
1 77 days 95 %
  Civil Bank 7% - 8% daily for 20 days,
150% after 6 days,
200% after 10 days,
500% after 20 days
0 4 days 2 %
  Classic Fund 103% - 110% after 1 day,
108% - 125% after 2 days,
114% - 140% after 3 days
1 10 days 24 %
  Classic Profits 120% after 1 day,
150% after 2 days,
185% after 3 days
1 3 days 120 %
  Classical Forex 2% - 3.8% daily for 200 days,
328% after 60 days
1 28 days 30 %
  Classical Investment 200% - 300% after 1 day,
450% - 700% after 2 days
1 1 days 0 %
  Clean Hourly Ltd 1% - 3% each hour for 24 hours 1 5 days 83 %
  CleggFinance 1.1% - 10% daily for 100 days,
120% - 200% after 3 days,
200% - 550% after 5 days
0 305 days 30 %
  Clemenbit 2.1% - 3.5% daily for 90 days 0 17 days 18 %
  Clementoni Forex Group 15% daily for 8 trading days,
25% daily for 6 trading days,
45% daily for 4 trading days,
105% daily for 2 trading days
0 27 days 120 %
  Clever Investments 120% - 140% after 1 day,
145% - 165% after 2 days,
170% - 180% after 3 days
1 12 days 220 %
  CleverGold 111.5% - 125.5% after 1 day,
133.4% - 162.3% after 2 days,
156.2% - 302.1% after 3 days,
218.9% - 302.1% after 4 days
1 2 days 0 %
  Cleverness Capital 2.1% daily for 50 days 1 46 days 90 %
  Click-Funds 130% - 150% after 1 day,
165% - 200% after 2 days,
215% - 235% after 3 days,
265% - 300% after 5 days
1 6 days 120 %
  Clkinvest 120% - 130% after 1 day,
145% - 170% after 2 days,
175% - 220% after 3 days
1 16 days 200 %
  Cloudkaline Limited 0.65% daily 1 52 days 0.7 %
  Cloudy Center 0.14% each hour 0 11 days 31.5 %
  CloudyHYIP 130% - 200% after 1 day,
175% - 235% after 2 days,
4.8% - 5.6% daily for 24 days
1 2 days 41.7 %
  Club Forex Ltd 0.8% - 2.5% daily 0 41 days 25 %
  Clubs Hourly 101% - 105% after 1 hour,
106% after 1 day,
114% after 2 days
1 11 days 52 %
  CoJo Invest 110% - 120% after 1 day,
125% - 150% after 2 days,
150% - 200% after 3 days,
220% - 300% after 7 days,
0.5% - 2.2% daily for 730 days
1 5 days 30 %
  CoastalHYIP 115% - 160% after 1 day,
200% - 220% after 2 days,
310% - 330% after 3 days
1 3 days 19.2 %
  CoastlineFund 6% - 7.5% daily for 30 trading days,
36% - 45% weekly for 6 weeks
0 43 days 127.5 %
  Cobex Talent 0.8% daily for 2 trading days,
1.7% daily for 7 trading days,
2% daily for 14 trading days,
2.1% daily for 92 trading days
0 38 days 44 %
  CobexTrade 1.2% - 2.8% daily for 180 trading days 0 317 days 248.4 %
  CocaHYIP 106% after 1 hour,
1.74% - 2.1% minutely for 60 minutes,
0.37% - 0.45% minutely for 300 minutes,
5% - 7% each hour for 24 hours,
0.5% - 1% each hour for 720 hours
0 15 days 172.4 %
  Coffee Invest 105% - 115% after 1 day,
39% - 50% daily for 3 days,
26% - 40% daily for 5 days,
180% - 340% after 10 days
1 17 days 36 %
  Coffeewealth Limited 10.4% - 15% each hour for 10 hours,
3.8% - 10% each hour for 30 hours,
111% - 210% after 1 day,
168% - 500% after 3 days
1 3 days 18 %
  Coin Assets 4% - 6% daily for 90 days 2 68 days 111 %
  Coin Grows 102% - 120% after 1 day,
125% - 360% after 6 days,
160% - 800% after 12 days,
400% - 4000% after 30 days
1 21 days 38 %
  Coin Hourly 0.09% - 0.12% each hour for 24 hours,
0.5% - 1% each hour for 48 hours,
5% - 10% each hour for 96 hours
1 87 days 176 %
  Coin Mart 38% - 64% daily for 3 days,
130% - 230% after 5 days,
180% - 540% after 10 days,
300% - 910% after 15 days
1 4 days 0 %
  Coin Millionaire 103% - 135% after 1 day,
117% - 610% after 5 days,
135% - 1350% after 10 days,
155% - 2200% after 15 days
1 70 days 180 %
  Coin Trade Finance LTD 105% - 125% after 1 day,
117% - 190% after 3 days,
135% - 300% after 5 days,
160% - 420% after 7 days
1 21 days 90 %
  Coin Turbo 2% - 10% daily for 30 days,
109% after 3 days,
120% after 5 days,
165% after 10 days
1 14 days 24 %
  Coin7 0.05% - 0.3% each hour for 240 hours,
113% - 145% after 3 days,
135% - 230% after 7 days,
170% - 320% after 12 days
1 6 days 7 %
  CoinBrook Limited 1.5% - 12.5% daily 1 9 days 6 %
  CoinCast Net 117% - 120% after 1 day,
190% - 225% after 5 days,
290% - 320% after 10 days,
330% - 400% after 15 days
1 4 days 68 %
  CoinLens 3% daily for 50 days 1 82 days 78 %
  CoinPalas 103% - 130% after 1 day,
110% - 200% after 3 days,
117% - 275% after 5 days,
125% - 370% after 7 days
1 6 days 15 %
  CoinPayments 1% - 5% daily for 48 days 1 56 days 64 %
  CoinRocket Limited 1.3% - 1.7% daily for 60 days,
4.5% - 5.5% daily for 30 days,
8% - 10% daily for 14 days
1 13 days 9 %
  Coince 3% daily for 60 days 1 225 days 202 %
  Coinck Limited 0.5% each hour for 240 hours,
2% each hour for 100 hours,
6% each hour for 60 hours
1 152 days 282 %
  Coiner 2% - 5% daily,
110% after 3 days,
160% after 7 days,
240% after 15 days
1 19 days 28 %
  CoinerCo 11% - 15% daily for 10 days,
120% - 190% after 10 days
1 53 days 49 %
  Coinext 105% - 110% after 3 days,
120% - 130% after 10 days,
150% - 200% after 20 days,
300% after 50 days
1 46 days 88 %
  Coinformica 5.2% each hour for 20 hours,
103% - 130% after 1 day,
110% - 200% after 3 days,
125% - 370% after 7 days
0 8 days 15 %
  Coingital 0.7% - 1% daily for 10 trading days 1 78 days 38 %
  Coinice Limited 5% - 7% daily for 30 days,
240% after 15 days
1 411 days 182 %
  Coinlines 6% - 16% each hour for 17 hours,
103% - 215% after 1 day,
111% - 290% after 3 days,
123% - 400% after 5 days
1 10 days 13 %
  Coins Cave 101% after 1 day,
120% after 15 days,
150% after 30 days,
500% after 7 days
1 122 days 77 %
  Coins Circle Ltd 1.11% - 1.22% each hour for 96 hours,
2.78% - 4.06% each hour for 40 hours,
9% - 13% each hour for 24 hours
1 270 days 431.9 %
  Coins2exchange Ltd. 0.6% - 9% daily,
0.87% - 1.02% each hour for 120 hours,
0.92% - 1.17% each hour for 168 hours,
1% - 1.2% daily for 30 days
1 36 days 30 %
  Coinsage Limited 2% daily for 7 days,
2.5% daily for 14 days,
3% daily for 21 days,
4% daily for 28 days
3 22 days 40 %
  Coinscola Limited 10% daily for 12 days,
12% daily for 15 days,
150% after 10 days,
250% after 15 days
1 286 days 176 %
  Coinsunion Limited 9% daily for 14 days,
15% daily for 10 days,
150% after 7 days,
200% after 5 days
1 647 days 248 %
  Coiny LTD 9% daily for 15 days,
6.5% daily for 30 days,
2.5% - 5% daily for 50 days,
110% after 5 days
1 5 days 7 %
  Coinz 1.5% - 6% daily,
36.5% - 38% daily for 3 days,
145% - 210% after 7 days,
300% - 480% after 12 days
1 9 days 8 %
  Cold Hard Reserve 105% - 125% after 1 day,
55% - 75% daily for 2 days,
130% - 280% after 5 days,
170% - 500% after 10 days,
400% - 1100% after 30 days
1 61 days 263.7 %
  Collective Fund 0.21% each hour 1 2 days 0 %
  Colorful Funds 106% - 120% after 1 day,
135% - 165% after 3 days,
175% - 350% after 6 days
1 7 days 30 %
  Colossalinvest 120% - 130% after 1 day,
145% - 165% after 2 days,
175% - 200% after 3 days
1 5 days 60 %
  ComHYIP 130% - 400% after 1 day,
155% - 185% after 2 days,
350% - 450% after 7 days,
1000% - 1100% after 30 days
1 5 days 180.7 %
  Comak Finance LTD 103% - 120% after 1 day,
37% - 55% daily for 3 days,
120% - 230% after 5 days,
160% - 600% after 10 days
1 12 days 33 %
  Combo Credit 16% daily for 9 days,
18% daily for 8 days,
144% after 7 days
1 13 days 55 %
  Combofunds 1.6% daily for 20 days,
1.8% - 2.6% daily for 90 days
0 55 days 65 %
  Come 4 Cash 110% - 120% after 1 day,
150% - 170% after 3 days,
45% - 55% daily for 3 days,
35% - 45% daily for 5 days
1 4 days 15 %
  ComeOnHYIP 115% - 125% after 1 day,
65% - 75% daily for 2 days
1 8 days 30 %
  Comer Key 150% - 275% after 1 day,
220% - 350% after 2 days,
350% - 500% after 3 days
1 12 days 550 %
  Comex Fund 1.9% daily for 10 days,
2.1% daily for 20 days,
2.3% daily for 30 days,
2.5% daily for 40 days
0 23 days 50 %
  Comex Trades Limited 2.2% - 3.5% daily for 55 days,
2.1% daily for 20 days,
2.5% daily for 35 days,
650% - 1600% after 35 days
1 518 days 1133 %
  Coming HYIP 120% - 180% after 1 day,
145% - 175% after 2 days,
160% - 200% after 3 days
1 3 days 20 %
  Commerce Favored 27% - 29% daily for 4 days 0 77 days 146 %
  Commerce Firm.net 22% - 25% daily for 5 days 0 335 days 91 %
  Commerce Website 105% - 127% after 1 day,
111% - 180% after 2 days,
136% - 780% after 6 days,
197.5% - 1890% after 15 days,
10000% after 60 days
1 1 days 0 %
  Commercial Barter Co. 13.12% - 13.36% each hour for 8 hours 1 15 days 193 %
  Commercial Drones 0.17% daily for 90 days,
200% after 30 days,
400% after 60 days
1 830 days 138 %
  Commoditex.biz 1.25% - 2.25% daily for 60 trading days,
52% - 62% daily for 3 days
0 83 days 77.1 %
  Como Credit 1.4% daily for 30 days,
1.5% daily for 45 days,
1.6% daily for 60 days,
1.7% daily for 90 days,
2% daily for 180 days
0 70 days 108 %
  Compact Finance 104% - 120% after 1 day,
55% - 74% daily for 2 days,
130% - 250% after 5 days,
170% - 400% after 10 days
1 9 days 35 %
  Compact Fund 105% - 115% after 1 day,
120% - 160% after 3 days,
170% - 210% after 7 days
1 55 days 270 %
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   DISCLAIMER: We do not promote any programs. The information is based on personal experience and statistics, we do not guarantee its accuracy. All HYIPs investments presuppose high risks. Past Performance of any of programs is no guarantee for the same or similar future performance. Do not spend what you cannot afford to lose.

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