July 26, 2024

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Statistics of the lifetime and payout ratio of the HYIP

Statistics of the lifetime and payout ratio of the HYIP
(payout rate per day; Month - 3)
Payout rate per day, % Minimal lifetime, daysMaximal lifetime, daysAverage lifetime, daysQuantity of the HYIPsMinimal payout ratio, %Maximal payout ratio, %Average payout ratio, %Probability of obtaining of the profit, %
Unknown 1 1363 98 95 0 736 128 46
<1.7 1 855 179 34 0 987 81 17
1-3 4 560 69 83 0 415 68 21
3-5 5 440 90 37 4 250 70 24
5-10 6 143 44 40 0 1072 124 35
10-20 2 162 29 27 0 1090 165 40
20-30 1 190 24 29 0 271 79 27
30-50 1 62 20 27 0 420 127 37
50-100 1 87 16 11 0 810 179 36
101-140 1 353 16 193 0 720 67 20
141-180 1 10 3 30 0 425 96 40
181-200 1 9 3 16 0 255 45 18
201-250 1 22 6 21 0 885 162 28
>250 0 8 4 5 0 500 200 40
All 0 1363 49 648 0 1090 94 28

Statistics of the lifetime and payout ratio of the HYIP
(year of the beginning of work of the HYIP; Month - 3)
Year Minimal lifetime, daysMaximal lifetime, daysAverage lifetime, daysQuantity of the HYIPsMinimal payout ratio, %Maximal payout ratio, %Average payout ratio, %Probability of obtaining of the profit, %
2004 250 345 297 2 3 62 32 0
2005 4 519 87 16 0 200 99 43
2006 0 523 15 126 0 485 90 34
2007 1 202 23 96 0 987 146 35
2008 1 372 50 42 10 1072 154 38
2009 1 405 80 30 0 415 112 46
2010 1 440 49 36 0 1090 101 19
2011 1 318 46 41 3 363 66 21
2012 1 265 37 29 0 311 59 24
2013 3 855 51 41 0 370 77 29
2014 1 302 58 19 0 565 76 15
2015 3 606 71 27 2 393 56 18
2016 4 560 96 31 0 736 88 22
2017 1 1363 59 59 0 436 61 15
2018 6 214 61 23 0 192 54 21
2019 11 353 101 14 10 369 103 28
2020 8 182 60 4 4 86 43 0
2021 2 356 106 7 0 250 70 28
2022 204 484 301 3 56 199 145 66
2023 3 67 35 2 33 100 66 0
All 0 1363 49 648 0 1090 94 28

Statistics of the lifetime and payout ratio of the HYIP
(type of the script; Month - 3)
Script Minimal lifetime, daysMaximal lifetime, daysAverage lifetime, daysQuantity of the HYIPsMinimal payout ratio, %Maximal payout ratio, %Average payout ratio, %Probability of obtaining of the profit, %
Unknown 1 560 70 156 0 987 130 39
GoldCoders 0 1363 42 479 0 1090 84 25
H-Scripts 4 68 35 8 12 101 52 12
PAM HYIP/AJ Square 52 52 52 1 39 39 39 0
SurfScriptPro 275 275 275 1 58 58 58 0
Hot HYIP Script 6 6 6 1 20 20 20 0
DevQuill 19 19 19 1 13 13 13 0
EC HYIP 29 29 29 1 40 40 40 0
All 0 1363 49 648 0 1090 94 28

Statistics of the lifetime and payout ratio of the HYIP
(site languages; Month - 3)
EnglishRussianOthers Minimal lifetime, daysMaximal lifetime, daysAverage lifetime, daysQuantity of the HYIPsMinimal payout ratio, %Maximal payout ratio, %Average payout ratio, %Probability of obtaining of the profit, %
YesNoNo 1 1363 82 145 0 565 67 17
YesYesNo 3 560 98 18 4 240 85 38
NoYesNo 9 17 12 3 1 52 19 0
YesYesYes 53 444 248 2 120 736 428 100

Statistics of the lifetime and payout ratio of the HYIP
(investment amount; Month - 3)
Amount Minimal lifetime, daysMaximal lifetime, daysAverage lifetime, daysQuantity of the HYIPsMinimal payout ratio, %Maximal payout ratio, %Average payout ratio, %Probability of obtaining of the profit, %
1$...30$ 0 523 29 271 0 1072 113 33
31$...50$ 1 1363 64 132 0 736 89 25
100$...149$ 1 855 59 230 0 1090 76 24
200$...299$ 10 484 109 14 13 341 92 28
>499$ 210 210 210 1 209 209 209 100
All 0 1363 49 648 0 1090 94 28

   DISCLAIMER: We do not promote any programs. The information is based on personal experience and statistics, we do not guarantee its accuracy. All HYIPs investments presuppose high risks. Past Performance of any of programs is no guarantee for the same or similar future performance. Do not spend what you cannot afford to lose.

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