July 26, 2024

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not paying programs

Statistics of the lifetime and payout ratio of the HYIP

Statistics of the lifetime and payout ratio of the HYIP
(year of the beginning of work of the HYIP; payout rate per day - 50-100%)
Year Minimal lifetime, daysMaximal lifetime, daysAverage lifetime, daysQuantity of the HYIPsMinimal payout ratio, %Maximal payout ratio, %Average payout ratio, %Probability of obtaining of the profit, %
2005 1 27 9 24 0 182 94 66
2006 1 129 13 66 0 1330 148 40
2007 1 71 8 49 0 740 89 30
2008 4 166 31 12 10 1958 360 58
2009 9 115 46 6 30 912 421 66
2010 15 17 16 3 47 150 84 33
2016 3 3 3 1 50 50 50 0
2019 332 332 332 1 313 313 313 100
All 1 332 15 162 0 1958 147 43

Statistics of the lifetime and payout ratio of the HYIP
(month of the beginning of work of the HYIP; payout rate per day - 50-100%)
Month Minimal lifetime, daysMaximal lifetime, daysAverage lifetime, daysQuantity of the HYIPsMinimal payout ratio, %Maximal payout ratio, %Average payout ratio, %Probability of obtaining of the profit, %
01 1 115 11 30 0 912 133 36
02 1 166 20 16 0 1958 200 31
03 1 87 16 11 0 810 179 36
04 1 8 3 8 0 103 41 12
05 1 71 18 10 0 710 159 40
06 1 23 7 8 0 187 62 25
07 3 332 74 5 10 313 121 60
08 1 59 14 8 0 468 141 50
09 9 58 22 9 24 638 225 66
10 1 129 18 22 0 1330 179 59
11 1 47 10 22 0 512 129 59
12 1 37 10 13 0 590 131 38
All 1 332 15 162 0 1958 147 43

Statistics of the lifetime and payout ratio of the HYIP
(type of the script; payout rate per day - 50-100%)
Script Minimal lifetime, daysMaximal lifetime, daysAverage lifetime, daysQuantity of the HYIPsMinimal payout ratio, %Maximal payout ratio, %Average payout ratio, %Probability of obtaining of the profit, %
Unknown 1 166 22 69 0 1958 229 56
GoldCoders 1 332 11 93 0 740 86 34
All 1 332 15 162 0 1958 147 43

Statistics of the lifetime and payout ratio of the HYIP
(site languages; payout rate per day - 50-100%)
EnglishRussianOthers Minimal lifetime, daysMaximal lifetime, daysAverage lifetime, daysQuantity of the HYIPsMinimal payout ratio, %Maximal payout ratio, %Average payout ratio, %Probability of obtaining of the profit, %
YesNoNo 3 332 167 2 50 313 181 50

Statistics of the lifetime and payout ratio of the HYIP
(investment amount; payout rate per day - 50-100%)
Amount Minimal lifetime, daysMaximal lifetime, daysAverage lifetime, daysQuantity of the HYIPsMinimal payout ratio, %Maximal payout ratio, %Average payout ratio, %Probability of obtaining of the profit, %
1$...30$ 1 166 11 138 0 1958 125 39
31$...50$ 4 115 32 17 30 912 349 82
100$...149$ 2 332 57 7 0 313 100 28
All 1 332 15 162 0 1958 147 43

   DISCLAIMER: We do not promote any programs. The information is based on personal experience and statistics, we do not guarantee its accuracy. All HYIPs investments presuppose high risks. Past Performance of any of programs is no guarantee for the same or similar future performance. Do not spend what you cannot afford to lose.

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