July 26, 2024

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Statistics of the lifetime and payout ratio of the HYIP

Statistics of the lifetime and payout ratio of the HYIP
(payout rate per day; Script - Unknown)
Payout rate per day, % Minimal lifetime, daysMaximal lifetime, daysAverage lifetime, daysQuantity of the HYIPsMinimal payout ratio, %Maximal payout ratio, %Average payout ratio, %Probability of obtaining of the profit, %
Unknown 1 2708 103 364 0 3190 124 39
<1.7 1 928 151 138 0 987 66 21
1-3 4 1057 108 362 0 772 99 34
3-5 6 538 67 170 0 1166 89 31
5-10 1 261 45 185 0 1115 114 48
10-20 1 326 29 98 0 1019 165 43
20-30 2 335 29 109 0 1095 130 40
30-50 1 153 18 113 0 980 135 50
50-100 1 166 22 69 0 1958 229 56
101-140 1 305 41 140 0 364 81 30
141-180 1 20 7 11 0 240 62 36
181-200 3 20 9 5 52 403 172 60
201-250 2 23 7 12 0 460 152 58
>250 1 12 5 12 0 800 266 58
All 1 2708 74 1788 0 3190 115 38

Statistics of the lifetime and payout ratio of the HYIP
(year of the beginning of work of the HYIP; Script - Unknown)
Year Minimal lifetime, daysMaximal lifetime, daysAverage lifetime, daysQuantity of the HYIPsMinimal payout ratio, %Maximal payout ratio, %Average payout ratio, %Probability of obtaining of the profit, %
2003 521 1146 918 3 50 2300 860 66
2004 6 1373 160 38 3 420 108 44
2005 1 677 62 193 0 334 92 40
2006 1 948 53 351 0 1330 136 50
2007 1 1057 42 279 0 1231 126 35
2008 1 828 108 143 0 1958 182 51
2009 1 405 82 98 0 912 131 40
2010 1 775 94 103 0 708 97 33
2011 2 716 80 76 0 1115 92 27
2012 1 2708 108 93 0 3190 136 39
2013 2 931 78 98 0 355 82 30
2014 1 928 64 83 0 496 64 20
2015 3 528 72 47 0 230 65 21
2016 4 560 68 40 0 240 59 27
2017 7 485 73 30 3 357 73 30
2018 1 421 68 31 0 252 74 32
2019 1 235 53 28 0 244 57 21
2020 5 535 133 22 0 772 87 18
2021 4 406 168 16 0 306 93 37
2022 1 282 123 12 0 259 114 50
2023 3 141 41 4 0 137 61 25
All 1 2708 74 1788 0 3190 115 38

Statistics of the lifetime and payout ratio of the HYIP
(month of the beginning of work of the HYIP; Script - Unknown)
Month Minimal lifetime, daysMaximal lifetime, daysAverage lifetime, daysQuantity of the HYIPsMinimal payout ratio, %Maximal payout ratio, %Average payout ratio, %Probability of obtaining of the profit, %
01 1 549 72 148 0 1300 129 45
02 1 784 73 170 0 1958 114 35
03 1 560 70 156 0 987 130 39
04 1 1373 83 154 0 1016 93 32
05 1 580 62 118 0 710 111 34
06 1 785 68 134 0 800 109 35
07 1 2708 101 137 0 3190 128 45
08 1 828 76 148 0 1166 99 33
09 1 429 64 153 0 1019 117 41
10 1 1146 72 185 0 2300 117 34
11 1 948 73 162 0 1115 111 45
12 1 546 76 123 0 1231 121 38
All 1 2708 74 1788 0 3190 115 38

Statistics of the lifetime and payout ratio of the HYIP
(site languages; Script - Unknown)
EnglishRussianOthers Minimal lifetime, daysMaximal lifetime, daysAverage lifetime, daysQuantity of the HYIPsMinimal payout ratio, %Maximal payout ratio, %Average payout ratio, %Probability of obtaining of the profit, %
YesNoNo 1 528 89 177 0 772 82 31
YesYesNo 2 2708 115 66 0 3190 107 22
NoYesNo 8 290 60 7 4 221 51 14
YesYesYes 1 931 159 16 0 374 93 31

Statistics of the lifetime and payout ratio of the HYIP
(investment amount; Script - Unknown)
Amount Minimal lifetime, daysMaximal lifetime, daysAverage lifetime, daysQuantity of the HYIPsMinimal payout ratio, %Maximal payout ratio, %Average payout ratio, %Probability of obtaining of the profit, %
1$...30$ 1 1373 54 869 0 1958 120 41
31$...50$ 1 1088 92 320 0 2300 132 36
51$...99$ 3 2708 398 10 0 3190 402 50
100$...149$ 1 931 87 547 0 1115 92 32
150$...199$ 12 59 31 6 6 114 47 16
200$...299$ 1 1146 94 31 0 528 128 61
300$...499$ 93 258 175 2 50 100 75 50
>499$ 65 487 254 3 55 209 154 66
All 1 2708 74 1788 0 3190 115 38

   DISCLAIMER: We do not promote any programs. The information is based on personal experience and statistics, we do not guarantee its accuracy. All HYIPs investments presuppose high risks. Past Performance of any of programs is no guarantee for the same or similar future performance. Do not spend what you cannot afford to lose.

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