July 26, 2024

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Statistics of the lifetime and payout ratio of the HYIP

Statistics of the lifetime and payout ratio of the HYIP
(payout rate per day; Year - 2005)
Payout rate per day, % Minimal lifetime, daysMaximal lifetime, daysAverage lifetime, daysQuantity of the HYIPsMinimal payout ratio, %Maximal payout ratio, %Average payout ratio, %Probability of obtaining of the profit, %
Unknown 2 527 55 73 0 545 109 45
<1.7 5 677 149 16 1 203 77 25
1-3 11 549 88 43 0 317 89 32
3-5 2 140 52 45 0 327 87 37
5-10 8 368 63 47 0 290 106 53
10-20 1 56 21 30 0 315 85 30
20-30 2 57 13 40 0 219 87 35
30-50 3 43 13 48 10 300 97 50
50-100 1 27 9 24 0 182 94 66
101-140 1 19 6 10 0 300 124 70
141-180 2 10 4 5 0 200 142 80
181-200 2 2 2 2 0 0 0 0
201-250 1 4 2 2 0 200 100 50
All 1 677 45 385 0 545 96 43

Statistics of the lifetime and payout ratio of the HYIP
(month of the beginning of work of the HYIP; Year - 2005)
Month Minimal lifetime, daysMaximal lifetime, daysAverage lifetime, daysQuantity of the HYIPsMinimal payout ratio, %Maximal payout ratio, %Average payout ratio, %Probability of obtaining of the profit, %
01 7 549 118 13 13 327 132 69
02 2 527 70 22 0 225 92 45
03 4 519 87 16 0 200 99 43
04 3 261 59 25 0 285 87 32
05 4 167 33 21 0 300 90 38
06 2 359 49 28 10 216 92 35
07 2 368 41 32 0 183 71 31
08 3 220 49 35 0 241 100 54
09 1 231 39 44 0 324 103 43
10 2 170 28 53 0 335 81 35
11 1 677 43 56 1 334 114 60
12 1 161 22 40 0 545 100 37
All 1 677 45 385 0 545 96 43

Statistics of the lifetime and payout ratio of the HYIP
(type of the script; Year - 2005)
Script Minimal lifetime, daysMaximal lifetime, daysAverage lifetime, daysQuantity of the HYIPsMinimal payout ratio, %Maximal payout ratio, %Average payout ratio, %Probability of obtaining of the profit, %
Unknown 1 677 62 193 0 334 92 40
GoldCoders 1 368 29 192 0 545 100 46
All 1 677 45 385 0 545 96 43

Statistics of the lifetime and payout ratio of the HYIP
(investment amount; Year - 2005)
Amount Minimal lifetime, daysMaximal lifetime, daysAverage lifetime, daysQuantity of the HYIPsMinimal payout ratio, %Maximal payout ratio, %Average payout ratio, %Probability of obtaining of the profit, %
1$...30$ 1 677 45 365 0 545 96 43
31$...50$ 5 177 54 11 54 315 147 63
51$...99$ 3 15 9 3 0 120 60 33
100$...149$ 2 527 96 6 0 122 32 16
All 1 677 45 385 0 545 96 43

   DISCLAIMER: We do not promote any programs. The information is based on personal experience and statistics, we do not guarantee its accuracy. All HYIPs investments presuppose high risks. Past Performance of any of programs is no guarantee for the same or similar future performance. Do not spend what you cannot afford to lose.

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